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Win2K Terminal Service 1

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Feb 22, 2002
I have 4 servers all running Win2k and Terminal Service in Admin Mode. 2 will connect just fine (they were clean installs) 2 will not connect with the message Terminal Server has ended the connection. The 2 that will not connect were upgraded from Win NT 4.0 Server. One has SP4 and one has SP3. I have check and tried all the KB articles I could find on TS but nothing is resolving the problem. Again it is only on the TS that were upgraded. Anyone have a thought?
i assume you tried uninstallign and reinstalling teh services?

Yes, as well as the service packs. It would seem that the issue has to do with the upgrade.
Thanks but there was nothing there that will help.
have you tried downloading the newest client 128bit client microsoft has for TS?


I lay claim to nothing and everything. My words may be wisdom or disaster. In the end you make a choice. Noone is perfect.
Yes, made no difference. I am trying to avoid a rebiuld on those servers, but it looks like I may have no choice.


It sounds like a licensing issue with the TS. Do you get any error in the event log?

Have you give the local policy to enable logon to the machine? Have you tried the Domain Admins logon?

Have Ts been disabled accidentally?


Not a licensing issue the TS is in Remote Admin. All permissions are correct, connection limits are correct. Basicly all settings have been verified. That's what the problem is, it should be working. Again the 2 that are not working correctly were upgraded from windows 4.0.


Have you tried setting the Terminal Services to Application mode? Just have a go. Maybe the upgrade from WTS to Windows 2000, expected you to set the mode to application not Admin?

Did you have Citrix or similar on the original WTS4.0?

No citrix, the servers were 4.0 server not WTS. Terminal service was not previously installed. Setting to App mode should not make a diffrence. I don't want to get into the licensing and all. There are not other diffrecnces to the other machines that are working except the upgrade. There are also no errors in the Event Logs.

What is the actual message you get from the client? What Client OS are you using?

Try the following Technet articles:

247989 Terminal Server Clients Cannot Log on to Domain Controller

234237 Assign Log On locally Rights to Windows 2000 Domain Controller - With this article make sure they are Domain accounts not local.

It does seem very bazzar, they do not work. Are the Event logs empty, not logon errors? Try setting up a policy to enable writing to the event logs on every log on\log off. Do you get the log on screen? Does it say Logon not available? Server not available? Can you ping the machines? Are the machine in the DNS table? How far do you get?

Please answer the above, it'll give me something to work on.

I know that it seems bazzar that they don't work that is why I post the tread. I have checked all the KB artiles that related to TS including those. I have checked all the policies regaring logon, the network connectivity is fine. There are not logged errors regarding TS, The only M$ you get when you try to loggin is TS has ended the connection. I can Telnet to the TS default port on both machines. The problem has to be past the normal none connetion issues.


Thanks for the reply.

Now we can say its not an Network issue. Have you shared out any drives on the server? Have you got any warnings under the License console?

I found this article

Have you looked at it? It sounds similar to the problems you have got, I would check the file versions.

Have you put Service pack 4 on yet? We have not put any service pack on any server yet. There has been numerous problems with Citrix, I wonder if they have spilt over onto Terminal Services?

I know this may sound dumb, but have you looked to see if any connections are listed under the Terminal Services Console? You can only have 2/3 connections at a time under the Admin setting.

Don't give up, we'll get there!

I have check this article before, no help. One server has sp4 one sp3, it is not the file version (they are diffrent from one another). This is not a network issue. It is not a file issue. It is not a license issue (unless the Remote Admin all of a sudden wants a license).
just out of curiousity .. the older servers that were upgraded... aren't specified for login from certian computers are they for your account?

maybe an old setting that lingers?


I lay claim to nothing and everything. My words may be wisdom or disaster. In the end you make a choice. Noone is perfect.
Sorry I don't know the article number but if you search I am sure you will find it. What you want to do is check that all of the files required for terminal service are the right version numbers. There is a list and I have found this issue before. I simply replaced the file that was the wrong version and rebooted.

Hope this helps you
Again, I have checked all the KB articles relating to TS. I have checked all the versions, The server with sp4 has new versions, still not working. This is not going to be a common problem, not a network issues, or perminssion, or licensing. I need idea's out of the norm. I have alot of experience and have checked all the common elements that would normaly cause such issues. Thanks for all the help, but I need off the wall sugestions.


Have you tried to run the client from the actual servers? Just a thought. If you haven't see if it does.

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