This problem has been posted many times, but I have finally tracked down what I think is the problem. We have a win2k pro machine with 64mb ram and office 2k. We have sp2 for win2k and office2k downloaded and installed. With the print spooler service running, all office apps quit responding when closing out hte program, changing fonts, or saving. If I shut off the print spooler service and restart the office app, everything works fine. Is this a win2k problem or something I should take up with Dell? I have tried upping the RAM to 128, but that didn't work. I have installed all of the latest software updates and service releases. And I have tried it under different user rights (admin, user, power user, etc), both with mandatory profiles and without. I have tinkered with everything I can think of. This is happening to the students machines (I work for a school), they are not getting the opportunity to learn that they should. Please help.