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Win XP and Novell Client 1

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Jun 26, 2001
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can only create one user account in Windows but set it up to where the Novell logon screen comes up regardless?? I know that you can set up the AutoLogon for the Windows portion, but when you do that, it completely bypasses the Novell logon screen. Any info would be helpful.
Hmmm... all the XP machines I've worked on had the Novell log-in screen come up after installing the client. Which version of the client are you using? Jennifer Sigman
Code-borrower extraordinaire
"They call us public servants for a reason..."
The Novell screen does come up, but if different Novell users are using the same machine, then with XP, you're supposed to set up individual users to match the Novell user. I don't want to have to set up users within Win XP because it's more difficult to configure for multiple users.

Ideally, what I would like to do is create ONE WinXP user and set WinXP to do the autologon, but still prompt the user to log onto the network through Novell. When I set up the autologon for WinXP, it does proceed with the autologon, but also processes all of the startup programs and boots to the desktop. After a long delay, the Novell login screen appears, but when you login, it doesn't process the Novell login script. Ultimately, you have to right click on the red N on the taskbar and select Novell Login and login again.

Any tips as to how I can make WinXP bypass or not use Users or the WinXP login??
AH! OK, I see what you're saying... One thing you can try is to set up the generic XP account to not have a password, then when you get to the Novell Login, but that account name in the WIndows part and have the people log in as themselves.

I am not sure you can disable the log in completely with XP Pro. Someone who knows more about the nuts and bolts of it would have to answer that question. Jennifer Sigman
Code-borrower extraordinaire
"They call us public servants for a reason..."
Yes, I could do that, but there's the extra step of hitting ENTER when the WinXP logon appears after entering the info for Novell. The only way I have found to bypass the WinXP logon is to set it up for Autologon. But, that's where I run into the problem of WinXP bypassing the Novell logon. There should be, I suspect, a registry entry somewhere that I can either add or change to make this work - I'm just not sure where.
There are reg-hacks that auto-populate the username and password for autologon. TweakUI is the easiest utility to set these. You can then predefine the ID in the Novell Client Default location profile. You can also If it still prompts, the Novell is overriding those registry entries and I don't think you are going to have much luck.

Once a network client is installed a logon is required so you can't get that one ID no password that is equiv to a Home Edition with no network client.
I think you misunderstand what I'm wanting to do. I want the Novell login to appear but not the Windows XP login. You can set the Windows XP login to automatically login, but that's where it bypasses the Novell login.
Well, Hmcgillem, i'm having the same issue here. I want all my users to access my WinXP workstation only by login to Novell (No winxp logon)

If you ever find out, please let-me know ! I'll keep looking for a solution too...

- Steve
I'm sure there is a combination of registry changes that could be made - I just haven't found the right combination. I'll let you know if I find anything, though.

I have over 30 users that log in to Novell, MS 2000 server at the same time. Each of my users do not have to log in anywhere but the novell client. Is this what you are looking to do?
try login to Novell with WinXP, you'll understand. Whenever a user log to XP, it passes the Novell client than ask for the WindowsXP administrator password, if the user doesn't exist on the machine.

We want to be able to logon to WindowsXP only by login to Novell. And please, forgot the solution about creating each user on each XP workstation...

in my case, all my users are roaming users, they changes from station to station everyday and need to log with their respective username and password. I'm still looking for a solution.

Here's the solution to our problem, I found this post tonight, but i won't take the credit from anyone, just go and read the post from "Jamis".

I have'nt tried it yet, but it looks like a good solution !

Let me know on this board if anyone try it and find it successful ! :)
Estevezz -

I still don't think that is going to fix the problem. This will automatically create a Windows XP user which is what I'm trying to stay away from. I want only ONE XP user which numerous Novell users use without having to log into the Windows XP screen. The only thing this does is create numerous XP users.

Yop, I realized that this morning too...

looks like we've got some more research to do. I'm contacting Microsoft to let them know the problem and see if they can help us.

Hi Heather,

yes, i did try this TID last week but not successful. I read somewhere else that the Autoadmin was a "PITA" with XP, cause more problem than else.

i'll get back to you if i get anything

Heres's what I did, I set my WindowsXP Users on my Novell5 server. I associated them in a NT Policy Package with dynamic local User enable so they can enter XP and their profil automaticly created. In the policy package, enable the "volatil user" so the profil will be deleted when the user leaves XP. It would avoid the numerous XP users on each workstation.


Yes, but how does that work when you want to install various software on the computer for ALL Users to use?? Does this keep a folder with each users info in it under the Documents and Settings folder??

Finally, the ultimate fix!!!! The TIDs on Novell do not give you ALL of the registry changes that need to be made in order for this to work properly. But, if you download this file (ginacf.exe) and run it on each XP machine, it works properly without having to deal with Policy Packages OR Users.

After you extract the files (extract them to the C:\Novell folder), start the program (ginaCFG). A dialog box will appear. Click the Radio button next to the Advanced option and then click on the Advanced button. A configuration box will appear that will automatically set the necessary registry keys according to what you select here. What you will want to do is this:

Check the box next to AutoAdminQueryNDS
HKLM\Software\Novell\NWGina\Login Screen
Enter a DefaultNetwareUserName if you want
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon
Check the box next to AutoAdminLogon
Enter the proper domain name in the DefaultDomainName
Enter the user you have created on the machine along with the proper password. This user has to have password in order for this to work.

Click on Apply and the proper registry keys/strings will be added to the registry. Click on Okay and reboot the computer. It should work properly by using only ONE XP user!!!

Let me know if you have any problems with this.

Hi Heather,

I followed what you said and Everything works fine exept one thing, Once you get in WindowsXP, did you notice when you close a session, and try to enter with another user (or even the same) it ask you for the password of the user we created on the machine ?

Anyone who want to use the workstation have to reboot it if they don't know the password of the user created in the winxp-users on the workstation.

let me know if you got a solution to that...
- Steve

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