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Win 98 client cannot log onto Win2k Server

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Sep 10, 2001
We run a Windows 2000 Server with Active Directory, and have 5 Windows '98' and 6 Windows XP computers connected to it on the network. The system has been working fine and stable for the past 4 months, but this morning when any of the Windows '98' users tried to log in to the network, they got a message saying:

The domain password you supplied is not correct, or access to your logon server has been denied.

All of the Windows XP computers can still logon with no problems.

I rebooted the server to see if that would solve the problem, but it didn't so I have spent a day trawling through all the possible fixes on the Internet, but none of them solve my problem, so I'm at a loss what to do next.

All of the computers still have a working internet connection, and can ping the server's IP, I didn't change any of the DNS settings for either the server or the workstations and the internet settings on the workstations are set up dynamically, and since they have internet connections, I am assuming my problem lies on the server somewhere.

All of the Win 98 PC's have Wins configured.

I tried installing the Active Directory client for W95/98 computers on one of the workstations, but the software didn't do anything that would allow me to logon to the domain, not that i expected it to.

Finally, I don't know if this is connected to this problem, but I noticed in the Event Log the following error

Windows cannot access the registry information at \\domainname\sysvol\domainname\Policies\GUID\Macine\registry.pol with (1231).

Any suggestions on how to fix this would be much appreciated.
Thanks rphips, but I already tried this, although I wasn't expecting it to work as we already have SP4 installed which was supposed to cure this problem.


Have you tried setting the IP addresses to static?


Have you removed NetBui from the 98 machines

In AD do they have a computer account?


Jones' Law
The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on.

I haven't tried a static address, but my concern is that on Friday all 98 users had DHCP and could logon ok, but today they couldn't, so what has changed ??

None of the 98 pc's have ever had netBui installed.

In Ad they only have a user account, but no computer account.

I'm beginning to wonder if the error message I have detailed in my original question has something to do with it.

This all very weird and there is much written on the web regarding problems with 98 clients on a win2k server.

Try removing WINS and reinstalling it

SOmetimes it can get corrupted.

Something changed since Friday - a new app, a new update, did anything change on the 98 machines?


Jones' Law
The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on.
Somtimes a virus could be causing this. I had this problem with the Sircam worm.

Ali Koumaiha
TeknoSoft Inc
Farmington Hills, Michigan
Hi TeknoSDS

A Virus was my first thought, although the server is supposedly protected with Sophos.

This is one of the strangest things I have come across, especially as the server still seems to be ok with the XP clients.

I would really like to know what the error message in the Event Log means.

Windows cannot access the registry information at \\domainname\sysvol\domainname\Policies\GUID\Macine\registry.pol with (1231).

Have you checked your group policies?


Jones' Law
The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on.
I ran on online Virus scan from Trend this morn and I think it found the culprit, a backdoor virus which had corrupted the group policy database, so I decided to bite the bullet and do a re-format and a new installaion of the O/S.

I'm happy to report that all is now working ok.

Thanks to everyone for their help and assistance


You're not gonna believe this, but I had the same problem. 98 machines started having problems logging onto the domain. W2k machines, no problem. Turned out to be a nic going bad on the SERVER! Check for bad packets being sent out on the server. (My clients could log on when I rebooted the one dc, and they authenticated through a second dc. That was my first clue.) Good luck

Glen A. Johnson
"Fall seven times, stand up eight."

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I also had this problem and I was able to eliminate it by switching the client PC's from a HUB to a 10/100/1000 Switch.

When you have the problem, shut down the PC, unplug the ethernet cables from the client PC, Jack and HUB. Reconnect everything, starting from the switch instead of a hub.
Funny since the same thing happened to me last week. We have 4 win98 PCs left and only b/c of some legacy sofware. Anyway, this is probably not an official fix but it works. Un-tick logon to the Windows NT Domain under Client for Microsoft Network properties. Its the wierdest thing but it actually logs in the PC. Hope it helps others.
You need to keep in mind with your Xp's they can cache there login and still get access to the server without logging in to server. The problem might be some services anr nor running look to see if netlogin, kerbos and workstation serves ane running. I hope this helpes.
Ensure that the Kerpros and NTLM protcocls are availabe ...
Disjoin the win 98 clients from the domain and rejoin them again..../
Hope this will help
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