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Will previous version of ASP.Net work with C# with VS2005 2

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Apr 5, 2003

I'm new to ASP.NET and Visual Studio and C#. If I have to compile my C# files with Visual Studio 2005, will they work with ASP.NET files created in previous version and updated outside Visual Studio 2005?

I am currently using Visual Studio 2005 on the website folder on my desktop (I have a spare copy on my USB drive) to compile my C# files and I am getting a Conversion Report file added to the folder when I open it with Visual Studio. Will I need to move all the files from the desktop folder, mentioned in the report as is to the website test folder (I don't have an IIS server attached to my computer because I don't have a registered version of Windows XP) and will the VS changed ASP.NET files work as is with the compiled C# files?

I am working with no funds and I believe that I just need to get the C# files compiled and the .dll files onto the website to complete the project. Unless, there is something else I don't know.

When I have opened some of the ASP.NET files in VS, I am getting error messages and the same files seem to be working fine in the test region of my website. Can I ignore the error messages or will I have to go through all the .aspx files to correct all the error messages?

Every time, I feel like I am close to completion, I learn about new things that I haven't done and I feel overwhelmed again. I am working on my own and just getting help from these forums.

Thanks!! :{
1. buy a good book on asp.net. if nothing else explore 2. research on the net. there is more to asp.net than tek-tips. while it's good, it's not the only resource.
3. programs developed in vs2003 (.net 1.1) will be converted to vs2005 (.net 2.0). compile. fix any errors. deploy.

for more information search "vs2005 convert project"

Jason Meckley
Specialty Bakers, Inc.
1. NO FUNDS. I have searched and several other sites.
2. The sites tend to have information on the programming and how to use it, but haven't clearly stated that my only choice ( which it sounds like from your message) is to convert everything to version 2.0.
3. I did the search and found a site that will help with questions, but their priority seems to be to promote their software.

At this point, I just need to get done so I can concentrate on job hunting and funds for food and rent.

You should be able to convert your old project from 2003 to 2005 with no problems. Right click on the project, and select run with 2005. It will detect the outdated project and convert it to 2005.
Been there, talked about that thread732-1381210

CdnRebel, I pointed you to this forum but the questions you are asking have already been answered and you brought up different issues at the end of the last thread in the C# forum.

why don't you let us know what you have tried and what has not worked so far. You never responded to if any suggestions actually worked yet. This is no less than futile attempting to help you if you don't work with us

[sub]____________ signature below ______________
You are a amateur developer until you realize all your code sucks.
Jeff Atwood[/sub]
Hi Jeff,

I did start working with the information on the other forum, but I did the Ctrl + F5 after I opened the website folder on my desk top and I started getting all these error messages that I wasn't getting before. Although there have been suggestions from everywhere, that Visual Studio converts to 2.0, no one has specifically said that I am going to have to go through every file to correct the errors that seem to be there now before moving everything to the website and even Jason is vaguely suggesting that that is what I need to do.

So before continuing with the steps that you gave me, I thought it would make sense to follow Jason's advice first and try to correct the errors. After I did the Ctrl + F5, I got the following error message:

"No overload for method 'FormatImagePath' takes '1' arguments"

on the following code:

<asp:ImageButton ID="btnProductDetail" Runat=server BorderWidth=2 CommandName="select" BorderColor="#ffffff" title="Click product name to view detail information" Width=140 Height=216 ImageUrl='<%# tool.FormatImagePath(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"fldProductID")) %>'></asp:ImageButton>

and since I did not write that code, and I haven't got a clue on what the problem is, I am going to be searching other websites for info on how to correct the code for that error and the other two errors that popped up when I opened the file that contained the problem. I realize that VS has an editor, but without fully understanding what the code does I'm not willing to just delete things without making some sense of it.

I opened another file to check, if it had a sample where the code was done properly since no other file popped up with an error and when I did that I found errors on the other file that I don't understand either, but some I have corrected.

Was I to imply from your email on the other forum that I can just move the files from the Bin folder to the website, and that everything else might work as is?

Sorry, if I sound dense.

In response to Babloome, when I right clicked on the project, there was no option to select run with 2005.

Just following up.


Sorry, click on the project file "xyxy.vbproj" and then Visual Studio Version Selector. The wizard will take over.

I don't see a project file with the .vbproj qualifier. I am using C#, is .vbproj a Visual Basic file?


I got rid of all the other error messages (I think), but I am stuck on the error message: "No overload for method 'FormatImagePath' takes '1' arguments" that refers to the following code:

	     <asp:ImageButton ID="btnProductDetail" Runat=server BorderWidth=2 CommandName="select" BorderColor="#ffffff" Width=140 Height=216  ImageUrl='<%# tool.FormatImagePath(DataBinder.Eval (Container.DataItem,"fldProductID"))%>'>		 
            <asp:HyperLink Runat=server NavigateUrl='<%# tool.FormatURL(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"fldProductID"),"TOCONTROLLER") %>' ID="Hyperlink1"><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"fldProductName") %></asp:HyperLink>
I did not write the code and it was working in the previous version. Would anyone have any idea what the syntax should be or where to find a link to the syntax? I have tried searches with no luck. Your website threw in the bit about: : AttachMate solutions Links

This won't solve the issue, but it is better coding practice.

Always "" your properties.

"It's never too late to become what you might have been.
Hi Melagan,

Thanks, I'll remember that and mikesdotnetting from forum.asp.com explained where I could find the answer to resolve my problem. He said that the error message is supposedly trying to indicate that I need other arguments and that I needed to look in the tools class at the FormatImagePath method to get the information.

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