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WHY won't it load the FIRST time?!

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Jun 26, 2001
Ok, this is REALLY getting on my nerves...

I've made my pages, etc...almost done with the site, just a few touchups from the convert from the layout...

But, someone go to
The first time you go there, nothing will load...it will just have a black screen...hit refresh...wow, its up?!...WHY IS THIS?!

I'm having a BIG problem with this...if anyone can help me, I can send you all the FLA's I have...its REALLY bugging the crap out of me...I dont know why it wont load the first time!

It's really kind of funny when you get helped by a wang. (As in WANGBAR you sicko!)
Also, I got a little rusty...how can I make the movie take up 100% height and keep relative width?... Regards,
It's really kind of funny when you get helped by a wang. (As in WANGBAR you sicko!)
Seems to me that it downloads into your cache first time you load but dosn't start to play untill you refresh.


oldnewbie?? Regards

Big Dave


Thought it might be your html... Never seen one quite like this! But when I call your movie from my own html and site, same thing happens!

It's visible only on refresh! Must be within your movie itself... Or maybe a server problem!

I'll upload your movie to my site, to see if it would work from there, pointing if it did, to a problem on your server.
Otherwise, the problem must be in your movie.
Do you have a preloader on this? What's it's code?

As for scaling, just scale the height to 100%, and leave the actual pixels width on the width parameter in the <object> and <embed> tags.

Nope! Doesn't work when the movie is on my site... So it must be your movie's fault.
Send me your .fla if you will...

Heres the main swf that it loads...

All the others are HUGE...(totaling up to 37mb)

the SWF's are small tho...I guess cause the fla's have a lot of pictures stored in 'em that I've deleted and stuff. Regards,
It's really kind of funny when you get helped by a wang. (As in WANGBAR you sicko!)
If you go to &quot;options&quot; at the top of the library window and pick up &quot;select unused items&quot; you can locate the stuff you're not using in the final movie and get rid of it - should mean you can post the full .fla...
Nah...tried it...got rid of all the unnessacary, and the fla's are STILL HUGE!...its really weird because I dont have much going on!

And anyone figure out the thing not loading the first time?...=( Regards,
It's really kind of funny when you get helped by a wang. (As in WANGBAR you sicko!)
Your above link is dead!
Anyway if it only contains the .swf, it would be useless!
Already have that .swf loaded on my site and it still ain't working.
Unless you make that .fla available, we won't be able to help you.

Remove all pictures, sounds, anything heavy in size, from the library, then save that .fla under another name with Save As... It should then diminish size dragstically, leaving the code, which is what we've got to see!
And make that new .fla available|

it contains the FLA...and the main movie is only like 200k anyhow...

I'm not at work at the moment...but I'll be there tomarrow and I'll see whats up with the server...

But the thing is...I took out all things to do with preloading, have no load script, and the only other actionscript I use is loadmovie...I TRIED preloading those movies...perhaps there could be reminissant code...I doubt it though because in the main swf thats loading I dont have any other loading code...its really weird....I'll fix that link tomarrow. Regards,
Immature, silly, or otherwise useless quotes are my specialty. ;)
Well... That's another thing!
Need to see that preloading code!
Put it back in!

why not just copy all frames and paste in a new movie..then re-publish..might clear up whatever is the problem..besides that and no offense anthony, there is atleast one error on each one of those pages..missing hit stages on buttons(building brand partners)..scrolling text buttons (the traingles are crooked)..text laying on top of buttons in one page(homeowner improvement)..eagle chase logo is so pixelated can barely make it out(very imbarresing for a corporate identity)..a couple others..might want to re-think that layout..and when your done with your fixes and re-designing you won't have to worry about the problem now because it will be a new movie..more PROFESSIONAL movie..

just my opinion anthony so don't get all crazy..needs some work to tighten it up a little..

and in the link old had, where he centered the movie..you should go that route..once again, just my opinion..


Hence my second sentance.
&quot;almost done with the site, just a few touchups from the convert from the layout...&quot;

Once again, also, these are not my workings...the owner of the firm stands behind me, says I want this this this this this...done this way, and exactly this way.

Plus, he doesn't understand that HTML pages just create white space on them when you maximize the window and he wanted it 'fullscreen'...its really retarded, and I'm only 17...I can't tell him to shut the heck up and that I know what the heck I'm doing...that, and they also hired someone for 'marketing'...I have to do everything exactly the way she wants it too!...its time for me to find another job.

YES, there are a LOT of things messed up from the previous layout. for 1...the previous one had smaller buttons, the new one has larger ones.

the new layout isn't going to have those stupid up/down buttons anymore, they're just going to be a contunue and stuff...

the eaglerock logo, is just placeholding right now...it was like 1/4&quot; square on top of a map to show where the place was, and you clicked on the eagle. The site is designed so we can add more eagles to a map and people can click which area of the southwest eaglechase properties they want to check out....any other complaints virt? Regards,
Immature, silly, or otherwise useless quotes are my specialty. ;)
&quot;Hence my second sentance&quot; = sentence..

anyways i have no complaints anthony..i was just pointing out what i saw..good luck to you and your site..your gona need it..

So what about this dead link to the .fla?
Can't do anything without it!



It now shows up on first pass!
Seems it just didn't read your gotoAndPlay(2); action on the first frame of your movie. I just commented out that action... And it now goes directly to frame 2 and works!
I've linked back to Corporate... & Partners..., which do show up after a while, although without preloaders on those movies, you might be led to believe nothing's happenin' after you hit those buttons!

AS for back buttons (you're talking about in that other thread), it all depends on what kind of back buttons you're talking about. Should be easy enough to add a back button from different displays within one category like Partners, but in case you go to outside links you should open those in a new window, so that your main movie window remains opened. Otherwise, hitting the back button on an outside link in the same window will bring you back to your main movie, but not in the sub-category you were in!

Guess this deserves yet another star!

IDnewbie and virt2001 both deserve stars and many thanks for their help WhiteTiger. I've been following this thread from the beginning and they have treated you with respect all the way. Dude you have to learn how to take healthy criticism, getting others to tell you what they think of your work is essential if it will be shown to users anyway.

But hey, you live your life your way... Best of luck.

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