Hi all,
I'm just wondering if this is hysteria or a valid issue--I just got a port sniffer, and now I've noticed that, even with my browser closed, every time I plug in my toshiba pocket pc to the cradle, the sniffer pops up a huge number of packets outbound on port 80 to WHAT'S UP WITH THAT??!!
The only stuff I have sync'd is calendar and notes, no email inbox or web pages or whatever. There is no reason whatsoever that ms should need to be contacted to sync this thing. Thanks for any info on this possibly benign (but most likely not) traffic.
I'm just wondering if this is hysteria or a valid issue--I just got a port sniffer, and now I've noticed that, even with my browser closed, every time I plug in my toshiba pocket pc to the cradle, the sniffer pops up a huge number of packets outbound on port 80 to WHAT'S UP WITH THAT??!!
The only stuff I have sync'd is calendar and notes, no email inbox or web pages or whatever. There is no reason whatsoever that ms should need to be contacted to sync this thing. Thanks for any info on this possibly benign (but most likely not) traffic.