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Why is frame 0 taking for ever to load?

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Jul 10, 2001

I have one scene and 2 frames. The 1st frame has a pre-loader and the 2nd frame contains all the content. When I go test the movie through flash showing streaming @ 56k, frame 0 is taking forever to load.

What does frame zero do and how can I make it go faster so I can actually get to the pre-loader to show the loading progress.

I appreciate any help, I can also send the source file if need be.


Using MX?
A preloader on 1 frame?
What's in your content frame? Pane?
Using linkage from the LIbrary?

I have a pre-loader on frame 1. It is a clip that basically checks _parent.framesloaded to equal 2 (Since there are only frames in my entire movie). When all the 2 frames are finished loading it will then proceed on to frame 2 where my content is.

My content frame is frame 2. It has a few objects on the stage such as the background, logo, and menu bar. The rest is dynamically loaded by using linked clips. So yes I am using linkage from the library.

Here is a URL where you can check out the site. Please let me know if you'd prefer the source file.

Thanks for responding so quickly,


p.s. Feel free to criticize the site.
MX as in Flash MX, the current version after Flash 5!
I'm on cable, so merely takes 3-5 seconds so that the site appears. Checked it out on my 56K dial-up, takes like 30 seconds!
Preloader only appearing at the end, might either depend on the code used, or maybe from loading that music.
Would have to see your code on the preloader and know how your dealing with this sound bit!

I really appreciate your help. It seems that you’re all over this site helping everyone out. Great job!

However I remain confounded as to what is wrong with the pre-loader. It would be an immense help if you could please take a quick look at my source code. What I can do for you is put a download link up on the site so you can download the source file directly. Does this work for you?

Let me know if you prefer email although I think this will suffice.

By the way I have noticed all the delay you went through before the pre-loader as that is part of the problem.

Thanks oldnewbie,

The swf is not enough! If you upload the .fla, give me a link to it... Tried index.fla but that didn't work.

Or e-mail me ay oldnewbie@hotmail.com

Ok! Hadn't noticed the downloads buttons you added... Thought you had just given me the same link as before!

I've never really gotten in to dealing with smartclips in Flash 5, and I believe your preloader problem is cause by all this library linkage, as I'm currently experiencing the same kind of problems with Component linkage in Flash Mx.
If you unlink everything, your preloader seems to work fine, but of course none of the pages show up!

You might have a look at this, it could be of some help:

Although this guy speaks mainly of sound, I believe linked movie clips will also lead to the same kind of problems.

As I said, I'm presently testing another kind of preloader - half success as it now stands - but it could work for you also. Will get back to you, if I can get it to work properly!

I have done what you suggested but the only way to check it is to have a slower connection than my DSL. The tutorial seemed to make sense and I have applied its concept to loading movies rather than sound.

I appreciate all your much-needed help. I will let you know if everything worked out as we expected.

The latest version of what I've done can be found at:

Please let me know if I can return the favor some time.


Checked it out on my 56k dial-up, and sorry to report that it ain't very different than it was. A flash of "loading" is all we see at the beginning, then nothing until it hits the site.
Will keep you informed about my preloader!

That is very disappointing. Please do keep me informed about your pre-loader. Meanwhile, I'll see what I can do.

Thanks a million! I will as well keep you apprised of any breakthroughs.


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