I have been looking to buy a new or used computer, but when I go on craigslist, best buy, etc. the only thing I get is confused. Technical specs and vender models mean absolutely nothing to me. Ads say things like, “It has a NVIDIA GeForce Go 8600M GT with 256MB GDDR3, or a PNY XLR8 8800GTX OVERCLOCKED EDITION, or ATI Radeon HD 4870”, which is totally meaningless to me. How do I prepare myself to choose a computer?
I have owned two computers, and when I bought them, I just got the most expensive one I could afford at the time. But that strategy won’t work now because prices range from $200 to $4000, and my budget is tight like everyone else. I must also add that, I keep a computer more than 10 years at a time. This one is so old, the memory is PC100, and the only reason I know this is because it originally came with MS ME and 128K ram. A friend installed XP years ago, and I added extra memory myself. See, that’s how old it is. I don’t remember this being so confusing back in the day. Can anyone help???
I have owned two computers, and when I bought them, I just got the most expensive one I could afford at the time. But that strategy won’t work now because prices range from $200 to $4000, and my budget is tight like everyone else. I must also add that, I keep a computer more than 10 years at a time. This one is so old, the memory is PC100, and the only reason I know this is because it originally came with MS ME and 128K ram. A friend installed XP years ago, and I added extra memory myself. See, that’s how old it is. I don’t remember this being so confusing back in the day. Can anyone help???