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Why doesn't DataSheet Query work in code?

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Jun 18, 2001
I copied and pasted this sql statement from the design view of an Access query into the code for a report. In the report I get a sintax error on the FROM clause??

This the qry statement from the datasheet query:

SELECT A.Code, A.Title, A.Wage, A.Year
FROM Positions AS A INNER JOIN [SELECT Code, Max([Year]) AS MaxYear FROM Positions GROUP BY Code
]. AS B ON (A.Year = B.MaxYear) AND (A.Code = B.Code)

and this is the report code that triggers an error:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim dbs As Database, rstHours As Recordset, rstReport As Recordset, rstPos As Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set rstPos = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT A.Code, A.Title, A.Wage, A.Year FROM Positions AS A INNER JOIN [SELECT Code, Max([Year]) AS MaxYear FROM Positions GROUP BY Code]. AS B ON (A.Year = B.MaxYear) AND (A.Code = B.Code) ORDER BY A.Code;")

It's copy-n-paste! How could there be an error??
P.S. I'm using Access 2002 under Windows 2000. All fields are text except WAGE which is single.
Is this statement broken across several lines in the code module? You'll need a _ to tell Access that it's all one line:

 Set rstPos = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT " & _
  "A.Code, A.Title, A.Wage, A.Year " & _
  "FROM Positions " & _
  "AS A INNER JOIN " & _
  "[SELECT Code, Max([Year]) AS MaxYear " _ 
  "FROM Positions GROUP BY Code] AS B " & _
  "ON (A.Year = B.MaxYear) AND (A.Code = B.Code) " & _
  "ORDER BY A.Code;")

No guarantees as to syntax but I hope you get the idea.

Geoff Franklin
Why don't you just use the query as the record source? (as opposed to cutting and pasting?)

"Personally, I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught." - Winston Churchill
Thanks for the quick response Alvechurchdata. The sql string in my code is on one line for now, until I get it working.

I noticed that you removed the "." after "GROUP BY Code]. ". Other than that it's the same code. However, when I pasted you code into the report I get an "Expected: list or separator )" error.

Most curiously, I still get the same error after reinserting the missing period?!?!

Hi traingamer. The query I listed in only one of several tables opened for this report that supply various data for the report.
I noticed that you removed the "."

I thought it was my mistake when I saw it on screen and deleted it.

However, when I pasted you code into the report I get an "Expected: list or separator )" error.

I did warn you that I hadn't actually checked the syntax of the SQL itself, I just wanted to demonstrate the way to use _ and & in a statement with multiple lines.

Geoff Franklin
Thanks everyone for your quick responses.

I found the culprit. Syntax. SQL doesn't like the use of square brackets on field names.

Removed the brackets . . . works perfectly.

Thanks again.
For me, the real culprit is:
JOIN [highlight][[/highlight]SELECT ... [highlight]].[/highlight] AS
to be replaced by:
JOIN [highlight]([/highlight]SELECT ... [highlight])[/highlight] AS

Hope This Helps, PH.
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