This isn't really a problem, just a question. I've got an Athlon 3200+ and a gig of ram. I've often got a handful of background apps up, but they never slow things down. When I start loading more and heavier background apps temporarily (for just a few days maybe, then I get rid of them again), even when I'm not using any heavy programs while they're loaded, the system slows down quite a bit. My cpu at these times is typically less 30% usage, and my ram will still have a good 512 megs free. I was always under the impression that things would pretty much run without a bump or pause unless either cpu or ram got to near 100% usage, since I guess they then start outsourcing their overflow work to other, slower places in my computer. It's not hurting yet, I was just curious as to how these things work... and yes, I've been Googling these things, but I'm just not quite satisfied. Anyway, I like hearing it from people I'm addressing. Thanks for any info!