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Why do my pages look different when I upload???

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Technical User
Jan 7, 2002
I have what is probably a stupid question. When I design a page to put on the server I have no problem creating the page but when I upload it to the server it looks different The layers are not where I put them originally and the overall layout of the page is off a little. Am I missing something when I create the page?

Any ideas would be much appreciated

I answered somthing which sounds identical to this in the Dreamweaver forum. A thread started by stinglikeabee who said:

"I have created layers which work but when viewed in a browser, the layer always moves a short distance away.
I want it to stay exactly where I position it.
How can I prevent it moving...do I have to convert the layer to a table first? "

And I replied:

"Do you mean that the layer looks in the right place in DW, but when you preview the page the layer is slightly out or that it actually moves?

If it is the first one the problem is that when you insert a layer the default setting for DW is that it leaves a layer anchor (little yellow shield thing) on your page. This forces the visible text to wrap around it, which can adjust your layout. If you are trying to position your layer based on this distorted view of your page in DW then once it is previewed (and the anchor is no longer visible) then it will look out of place by a small but significant amount.

To view your page without these anchors change your view settings (edit > preferences > invisible items). However this can sometimes be a pain as a lot of the time one of the best ways to select a layer is to click on the anchor shield. My advice - and what I always do - it to find the anchor and drag it all the way to the bottom of your page. This will then stop messing with you and will ensure that all of your layers are in the same place in HTML code. (you can also cut the DIV HTML out of the page and paste it in further down as well in the code window)

If it is problem 2, and the amazing moving layer, then that is not a lot of help, but then short of divine intervention and a timeline I can't think of any reason why it would be"

I hope this is helpful
[The only person in the world to like Word]
Thank you very much I will try moving the anchor. I did not see a recent question similiar to mine, but thanks for taking the time

(hey I like word too!!)
Quick create a UD/Word forum, we've got a gang!!

Sorry, couldn't help it!

Thanks for the 'words' Derren, great help to casual browsers too


Hi M!

Our paths cross like ships in the night all too frequently... To be honest it's nice to be able to add to these forums as they have saved my RS on many an occaision!

If any smug Word user talks to you - just ask them to make some text go upside down without doing wordart! That'll annoy them! Derren
[The only person in the world to like Word]
stand on my head :) Live long and make your kids suffer..
I'm having the same problem, but the layer is actually moving!!! Actually, the top left corner stays where it should, but instead of being a small box that runs down the left side of the page, it is stretching across the entire page & running over top of the other elements that are there. The text inside the layer is also flowing all the way across the page. It did this on 2 out of about 15 computers the site was tested on; one Mac, one PC, both times in Netscape 4.7. (on my 3 Macs using Netscape 4.7 it looks just fine) HELP!!!
Hi backspin,

Post the code that you have for the layer and we'll have a peek. Derren
[The only person in the world to like Word]


<div id=&quot;Layer1&quot; style=&quot;position:absolute; left:31px; top:312px; width:255px; height:184px; z-index:38&quot;>
<table width=&quot;239&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;8&quot; height=&quot;166&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
<td bgcolor=&quot;336699&quot;>
<div align=&quot;center&quot;><font face=&quot;Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif&quot; color=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot; class=&quot;infotextwhite&quot;>COMPASS Guide is a new web<br>
site that has Milwaukee's first<br>
searchable database
of local<br>
scholarship information, in<br>
addition to general information <br>
on career, college and<br>
apprenticeship choices.</font></div>

Any help is greatly appreciated! (Of course, it *would* be my boss's computer that shows it all wonky--I'm sure he's SO glad he hired me....) (new job, first big project, VERY important!)
could be worse, you could dump his email account by accident your first week on the job.

....oh wait I did that already [surprise]
Ah, have you added the Netscape resize layer fix to the page? Commands>add/remove netscape resize fix

The code looks super, which is why it is OK on most of the machines, but NN is fantastic for deciding to arse up your layers. See how you get on Derren
[The only person in the world to like Word]

You are my new hero! I didn't know about that little fix--but it was already on....however, I think I've solved the problem by putting in <br> tags to force the text to wrap in certain places. (which was already done in the code I posted). With that change, the page now loads correctly on the offending computer. Which leads me to believe it's a text-wrap bug rather than a layer placement bug, yes?

Kind of a pain, but at least I can fix it if it comes up again.

Thanks again for your quick reply--I will definitely keep my eye on these boards--very valuable info here!

&quot;all I wanted was to draw flamingoes.&quot;
Well, the saga continues. I found some more problems when I checked another computer today--it's definitely only a Netscape problem, but the &quot;Netscape resize fix&quot; is activated, & it's still doing it. Here's how I've fixed it:

It only happens when there's a layer with a table inside, with text inside the table. The layer then stretches all the way across the page, whether there's a lot of text, or only a word or two.

I went into the table properties, and set the width in pixels rather than percentages, to the same width as the layer (or whatever looked good). So now the table width is an absolute rather than relative value, and it now stays that size regardless of which stupid browser you're using!!! **seething with frustration but proud to have found a fix**
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