I get the error : #name? in a text-field which should<br>show the standard value which is =Date()<br>There are several users where the field shows the correct date, only one user has this problem.<br>How do I solve this???
Dennie,<br><br>Check this user's references. It may be that their reference to Visual Basic for Applications is missing. <p>-Chopper<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Thank you Chopper,<br><br>the user's refeference is ok.<br>I suspect the problem has something to do with the fact that<br>this problem user is using NT and all the other users use<br>win95 or win98.<br>
I've seen this come up many times and everytime (so far!) the individual user's references have not been the same as the people who were not having the problem. Please post here if you find it is something else.
Check the versions of the following two files in on the users machines with the problems:<br><br>C:\Windows\System\comdlg32.ocx<br>C:\Windows\System\comctl32.ocx<br><br>Try copying the versions from a working machine to the ones that are not working (rename first). This happened to us, and took me weeks to find, but when we switched (or in some cases, added) the files, it took care of the problem.<br><br>Worth a shot. <p>Jim Lunde<br><a href=mailto:compugeeks@hotmail.com>compugeeks@hotmail.com</a><br><a href=
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