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Why do I get Configuration Change at Boot Up ???

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Technical User
Apr 3, 2001

Every time my PC boots I get a message saying:

[purple]"Please wait while setup updates your configuration files..."[/purple]

I get this every time I boot - even on an immediate reboot. I changed nothing - whats going on and should I be suspicious??

Thanks in advance!


[blue]Viva [/blue][red]Es[/red][yellow]pa[/yellow][red]na[/red]!!!
Hi ActiveThistle;

If this problem is on the same machine as you're other thread...it seeems you have an 'upgrade' maybe that didn't quite work out.. (are you on Win ME ? maybe)

I suggest to see this article..and it also involves those files (.dlls) I said in the other thread,...however...you'll probably need to extract NEW copies of these along woth Explorer.exe...
Have 98 CDROM handy
Instructs here;

Basically you put the 98 CD in the drive and reBoot to a "Command Prompt Only"
From C:\....switch to the drive letter, and then the Win98 folder

Ex. (If D:\ is your CDROM drive)
D:\   <press Enter>
Win98        <press Enter>

and type in the long command string exactly as it shows (for those 5 .dlls)...all on 1 line..even if the text goes down a line or off the screen..

Then do the same for Explorer.exe only....and CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot....


These are just &quot;my&quot; thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Oh ....and by the way..the article says to start the box with a Windows Startup disc......This is UN-necessary...

Reboot and
Press and hold the CTRL key...at the end of the POST (PowerOnSelfTest)(right before the Win98 logo would appear)......

and a Startup menu will appear...use the up/down arrows to choose Command Prompt Only..


These are just &quot;my&quot; thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
OH! Good grief;........Doh!
I can't believe i made such a silly mistake....sorry

To change from D:\
to the Win98 folder

CD Win98
hit Enter
Now, finally you're at D:\Win98
(if D:\ is your CDROM drive)
that MS article doesn't explain it well, and I made it worse at... at first.

Maaan!....I had so much on my mind, and I was multi-tasking as usual..I usually don't make such a fundamental error....apologies again all

Btw; there are other ways to run the extract commands from the MS DOS mode, such as when you're in C:\ drive,and even the A:\ drive,.. however the command line is different(and the order is diff and also the switches used)...so I figured I'd elaborate on their way..


These are just &quot;my&quot; thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Are you running a temp file dump line in your autoexec.bat? I use:


and I always get the System Updating message.

(You said you aren't changing anything, but something tells me I should probably ask, if only to rule this out...)

Sorry - start again :(

I'm running a Win98SE box with IE6.0

Since my first post, the only thing I changed was unchecking the DDE box for *.htm files in the view/folderoptions/filetypes in windows explorer. since then the pc has been restarted about 5 times. each time I get the same message:

[purple]Please wait while windows updates configuration files...[/purple]

My autoexec.bat looks like this:
PATH="C:\Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\";C:\PROGRA~1\GRISOFT\AVG6

Could this be the problem? What does @c:\ mean compared with c:\

I have all the windows files on my C: drive under c:\win98 if thats any use.

Incidentally, my pc was plagued with [red]smileycentral.com [/red]spyware but it seems to have all gone. Could this be another culprit? If so doesnt Spyhunter kill it?

Dunno I'm lost. any clues would be gr8.



[blue]Viva [/blue][red]Es[/red][yellow]pa[/yellow][red]na[/red]!!!
@=Default....this is fine for AVG

Put C:\WIN98;C; in front

Make PATH this;
PATH="C:\Win98;C;C:\Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\";C:\PROGRA~1\GRISOFT\AVG6

the semi-colons separate the paths

Right click on PATH and choose EDIT.....type in changes....Reboot when asked,....easy to undo....

To "undo"--right click PATH and choose Undo edit......and return to Orig..
you'll notice a yellow pencil there when you edit


These are just &quot;my&quot; thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Slight correction, @ does not mean Default

@ is an MSDOS command for use within .BAT files. It means that the command in that line isn't shown on the screen when the batch file runs. It is similar to the ECHO OFF command which means that the batch file won't show anything until ECHO ON, and often times people used @ECHO OFF as the first line of AUTOEXEC.BAT

These ECHO commands were used back with Windows 3.x and earlier, because people didn't generally want to see the commands that are auto-ran, and wanted to get straight to the DOS propmt, or Windows itself when the file ended in the WIN command. With WIN95 and later, they aren't used much anymore, since the Logo hides the commands unless you hit the Escape key, (or you added "Logo=0" without quotes to Msdos.sys)
Wonder if bootlog would show anything?
And is there anything in the device mangler that has error tags? That would be a sure way to have it try to reload drivers.

Ed Fair
Give the wrong symptoms, get the wrong solutions.
RoninBK is absolutely correct when using @ in Batch files....my apologies, i jumped the gun and was thinking of REG files (for which it does mean default)..I even messed up on the "quotes" in the above before command on 3/19/04 I just noticed. The quotes are to enclose paths with longer than DOS 8.3 filenames and blank spaces in them..(Long File Names), and are NOT needed aorund the whole PATH, like I accidentally typed , except for that one LFN path
("C:\Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\")
I sincerely hope no harm has come from my previous inaccurate reply..
Maybe the Diskeeper path should be renamed in the old MSDOS 8.3 filename...not sure. Also maybe C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND should be added as well, as a test....

Possibly such that;
.....no quotes are needed in above example
Others here replying, know more about Batch files....

However your Autoexec.bat may NOT even be the prob.....you may have a line in Win.ini or System.ini that shouldn't be there, or was left over from that smileycentral crud...or even an old password problem.
Post your Config.sys

Wini.ini section;

System.ini sections;

BTW, do you happen to have the "diskeeper" settings set to maybe defrag or scan at every startup?


These are just &quot;my&quot; thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Hey guys thanks for the feedback. No smileycentral hasnt gone away, and its brought a friend - zestyfind.com i'm trying at the moment to get rid of them ad aware, spyhunter, spybot, still no good.

ive posted bootlog.txt win.ini and system.ini here to save space on the boards. i get the feeling theres a complete clearout on its way. Save me from that if you can !!

Cheers again


[blue]Viva [/blue][red]Es[/red][yellow]pa[/yellow][red]na[/red]!!!
Your bootlog.txt has several entries for enumerating the network card. If it was a machine of mine I probably would delete it from the mangler, then pull it out for the duration of a test to see if that is where the problem comes from.

Ed Fair
Give the wrong symptoms, get the wrong solutions.
Took a quick look and nothing seems too unusual....you have 3 loadings failed in Bootlog, but as it says here
it ain't nothing to worry about, as far as i can tell.

You have 2 usual entries that are missing in Win.ini;
should be present along with your other two entries
These both are usually left blank and it may or may not matter that they aren't there...dunno

What's in your C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
and/or your C:\WINDOWS\Profiles\<username>\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

Have you changed "any" BIOS Settings right before this prob. started?????
Did you change out the CPU on the Mobo.?????

Post the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat and Startup group as well..


These are just &quot;my&quot; thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
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