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Why are these ports open?

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Dec 18, 2000
I have an NT web server that has several ports open that I can't explain. The ports are 50, 1027, 1030, 6667 and 6668. I found what the services that use these ports are, but I don't know what they do. Is there a way to find out? These ports are always open. Could these be hacked? I don't know anything about IRC, BBN IAD or RMCP.

If security is in question go to and download the ISS internet scaner it's 36 megs version 6.1 is the latest.
ISS will evaluate your system and create a report that you can browse using Netscape or IE. The report will tell you what and where to go to secure your server.
Do you need IRC for your users? I see you are affiliated as an ISP. Your users are therefore gonna be rather ticked off if you remove access to the service.

If you are running a network on the other hand burn out the port with a branding iron as it is mucho bad to allow IRC onto your internal net. Once a connection is accepted by an internal user the firewall assumes that everything is hunky dory and lets in EVERYTHING on this connection. IRC also has a dodgy setting which allows automatic acceptance of DCC (file transfers).

I would also recomend burning at the stake any users you find trying to download IRC or ICQ software onto an internal net....sorry the medication is wearing off.


Well port 50 is supposed to be remote mail checking as per rfc 1339 --> .

Ports 1027 & 1030 may be related to a portmap/rpc service & dynamically allocated. Port 1030 is officially BBN IAD (Bolt, Beranek and Newman Interface Access Device - a bridge/router)

Port 6667 is listed as IRC (internet relay chat) --> & .

In reality any rarely used port <could> be used by a trojan or other questionale s/w to run a server on. If it doubt firewall it out.

You could always do 'netstat -a' from a command window on the server to see what is connected/listening to those ports.

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