On Error Resume Next
strErrorUrl = ""
Set fp_conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot create connection"
Set fp_rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot create record set"
fp_conn.Open Application("login_name_ConnectionString"
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot open database"
fp_rs.Open "Results", fp_conn, 1, 3, 2 ' adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot open record set"
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot add new record set to the database"
Dim arFormFields0(6)
Dim arFormDBFields0(6)
Dim arFormValues0(6)
arFormFields0(0) = "ex"
arFormDBFields0(0) = "ex"
arFormValues0(0) = Request("ex"
arFormFields0(1) = "ass"
arFormDBFields0(1) = "ass"
arFormValues0(1) = Request("ass"
arFormFields0(2) = "cq"
arFormDBFields0(2) = "cq"
arFormValues0(2) = Request("cq"
arFormFields0(3) = "eb"
arFormDBFields0(3) = "eb"
arFormValues0(3) = Request("eb"
arFormFields0(4) = "ogin"
arFormDBFields0(4) = "ogin"
arFormValues0(4) = Request("ogin"
arFormFields0(5) = "ail"
arFormDBFields0(5) = "ail"
arFormValues0(5) = Request("ail"
FP_SaveFormFields fp_rs, arFormFields0, arFormDBFields0
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot update the database"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<title>Login Name</title>
<form method="POST" action="n3.asp">
On Error Resume Next
strErrorUrl = ""
Set fp_conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot create connection"
Set fp_rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot create record set"
fp_conn.Open Application("login_name_ConnectionString"
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot open database"
fp_rs.Open "Results", fp_conn, 1, 3, 2 ' adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot open record set"
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot add new record set to the database"
Dim arFormFields0(6)
Dim arFormDBFields0(6)
Dim arFormValues0(6)
arFormFields0(0) = "ex"
arFormDBFields0(0) = "ex"
arFormValues0(0) = Request("ex"
arFormFields0(1) = "ass"
arFormDBFields0(1) = "ass"
arFormValues0(1) = Request("ass"
arFormFields0(2) = "cq"
arFormDBFields0(2) = "cq"
arFormValues0(2) = Request("cq"
arFormFields0(3) = "eb"
arFormDBFields0(3) = "eb"
arFormValues0(3) = Request("eb"
arFormFields0(4) = "ogin"
arFormDBFields0(4) = "ogin"
arFormValues0(4) = Request("ogin"
arFormFields0(5) = "ail"
arFormDBFields0(5) = "ail"
arFormValues0(5) = Request("ail"
FP_SaveFormFields fp_rs, arFormFields0, arFormDBFields0
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot update the database"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<title>Login Name</title>
<form method="POST" action="n3.asp">