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Who's going to InAAU Conference 2010 in Denver?

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Technical User
Jul 24, 2006
Who's going?

I have been the last 3 years and I have been pretty satisfied with the classes and the content.

I read that you can schedule a tour through one of the two Avaya facilities in Denver on the last day of the conference.

Does anyone else know anymore about that?

I know that people say every year, that we (Tek-Tips users) should find a place to meet, so we can put some faces with names. This year should be no exception...

I am working through the process to allocate training funds for the trip...

Let us know how you are doing...

I won't be able to go this year but I am a native Denverite.

I would be happy to offer advice or info on the Area.

I also am former Avaya employee from the area and I have family and friends who still work their.
I plan on being there and have not heard about the tour but would be very interested. This information would need to be posted soon as people (like me) will be placing their airline ticket order and I usually schedule my departure right after the last session.
I received the information via email...

Here is the information as it was sent to me...

"Avaya will be extending a special invitation to InAAU members that will be attending the 2010 conference for tours of our Technical Centers located in Highlands Ranch or Westminster Colorado. Depending on the center you choose the tour could include demonstrations of various tools and technologies, a visit to the training center, lunch and a chance to meet the people behind the scenes that keep your systems running with optimal performance. More details of each tour will be provided by Avaya within their special invitation to all conference attendees, so be sure to plan your travels accordingly as the event will take place on the last day of the conference, Thursday, April 22nd. Seats will be limited so please be sure to secure your spot by registering for the conference as soon as possible."

I am still working toward getting approval for the trip. I hope I don't miss out on this opportunity...Does anyone know which center would be the best to visit? Westminster or Highlands Ranch?

I'm in Scotland, so I have no chance of going, unless someone invites me and buys me the flight ticket, lol.

Any really really generous people out there!!! :)

[Started on Version 3 software 15 years a go]
I read where the extended the early registration deadline until March 12th. I have read some stuff about this conference and I think it will be a good one. They have invited the Nortel group to the conference and InAAU is going to eventually combine with the Nortel users group, to make one big strong users group. I think that there will be plenty of announcements at this conference, now the Nortel sale has been finalized.

It should be a great conference and I for one am looking forward to being there. If you haven't been, work on your manager to get this great training. If you have been, this is one not to miss...

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