The above is what I'm trying to do. Now, all the images have names like "illustration20thumb.png" - $p (the category) and $no (the number of the page within the category) are variables given through the url of the page.
The above doesn't work though, and I'm getting frustrated because I don't know what I'm doing wrong here....
Also, this unrelated code works:
illustration and webdesign
$lili = 20;
while(file_exists('illu/' . $p . $lili . '.png')){
if($lili != $no){ ?>
<a href="index.php?p=illustrasjon&no=<? print($lili); ?>" title="link til porteføljebilde">
<img src="illu/<? print($p . $lili) ?> thumb.png" height="30px" width="30px" alt="" /></a><?
} /* if lili == no */
$lili -= 1;
} /* while lili */
Also, this unrelated code works:
<img id="storsak" src="<? print($p);print($no) ?>sthumb.jpg" alt=" " />
illustration and webdesign