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Which language to use? 2

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Technical User
Jul 26, 2003
I want to learn a language to carry out a particular task and wonder which would be best.

I want to copy text from a web page to a word processor. I know this sounds simple but I have to get bits from one place then use a drop down box, click the next item on it, then get more data from what then appears, copy that then switch back, and so on.

Do you think VB is suitable, or would C++ be better at this?

Thanks, Tony.
VB is a good choice. You don't really need the sheer, raw, untamed "ummph" of C++, and VB will probably have the shorter development time.

Regarding language comparrisons..thats a can of worms mate ;D

Firstly, you may see a lot of C vs VB arguments on the 'net, of which a lot will be 'well vb is easier to learn than c' and 'but c is better than vb' ..

I've not coded anything serious in C (or C++ or C#) so it would be unfair for me to comment on the languages ability to be learnt. I will say that I personally I found VB easy to pick up, and there is plenty of support out there for it.

As for being 'better' ... I came across a link last week where some benchmark tests were done for the same dotnet app sone in both VB vs C# - the C# app ran quicker of the 2, but only marginally.

But it depends what you would quantify as being better I suppose.

Here's my opinion on learning a language.

1) Future proof your abilities. Microsoft has proclaimed dotnet as the king of code, so see what flavour would suit your career in the future.. no point in learning how to drive a horse and cart when you will be driving up the M25 for work (except for fun of course.. oh and to cause mayhem ;D)

2) Google for "Hello World" in your comparison languages.. do some hands on work and create an app in both code flavours and see what you find more comfortable to work with.

3) Check out your local library and read some Wrox on both languages.. you may find yourself going "oh god" at one or the other.

4) Don't give up if you do the former at both.. it may seem daunting at first.. I suppose the hardest part for me was getting to grips with terminology.. once you know what a variable is (for example) though, it kind of sticks with you.

good luck!

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Thanks, I shall probably use VB which sounds as if it may be easier to get to grips with. I'm familiar with ideas like loops, subroutines, variables, etc, from writing Wordperfect macros.

The task is to copy text from a web page to a word processor. I know this sounds simple but I have to get bits from one place then use a drop down box, click the next item on it, then get more data from what then appears, copy that then switch back, select the next item on the list and so on.

Do you think both C++ and VB would be able to do this OK?

To see the area in which it will be operating have a look at
At the moment I am working more or less manually which is rather slow and stressful, but it could be very profitable.
Another thought is that I want to use it with Win98SE for the sake of other software, so .Net is out of the question.
It is probably worth pointing out that .NET applications run quite happily on Win98SE (if the Framework Redistributable has been downloaded). You just can't do the .NET development work on it.
If I get an opportunity to learn .Net professionally, then of course I am going to take it - so long as someone else pays. .Net is unfortunately going to be sought by recruiters...

In terms of what I will use though open choice however, I will never use .net, being a VB programmer who has just had the rug pulled out from under him by M$ over .Net. No more proprietory langauges for me matey!

If you're interested in C++, and ready for a bit of a learning curve, look at Bloodshed's Dev C++ (Totally free) and the Fox Toolkit. That's the route I am considering moving down for my own stuff. Also considered Java, which is very nice in terms of platform independence, but once again is propietory when it comes down to it (Sun).

Thanks, I will take a look at Bloodshed's Dev C++
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