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Where is Visual C++ download (CCE) version (free) 1

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May 30, 2001
Does anyone know a link to where i can get the free Visual C++ by Microsoft?

VB has the Control Creation edition (CCE) which doesn't compile but has most of the features.

I am pretty sure that Visual C++ also has a free version that does not compile but comes with most basic features (something like the complimentary edition) Any ideas???

If you can find a link it would be helpful!!!!!
A Visual C++ edition that doesn't compile? I've never heard of that or can think of why you would want it. Remember this isn't like VB. VB you can run your app w/o compiling it. If you don't compile your app in VC++ your just going to be starring at the code.

Maybe it exists some C/C++ interpretators, but no one I know use such things. John Fill

thanks bitwise & john fill, i'm only 12 yrs old, in seventh grade, but i'm learning.
If you purchase a Visual C++ Starter Kit by Sams publishing or Andre LaMothe's "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus" you will get a copy of Visual C++ Standard/Intro -- just two sources off the top of my head. These versions do compile and the book/package won't cost more than $35-50. You can probably get something dirt cheap off of ebay. I used the Visual C++ 4 Starter Kit to compile my homework while in college and was very pleased with it. I later decided to purchase Visual Studio 6 Ent but I would definately recommend getting a copy of VC++ Standard. Rob Marriott
What a coincedence! I'm twelve too!!! :-D
I would suggest to download the Borland C++ compiler. It is free, but it doesn't have a IDE, but who the heck cares. If you have a text editor, it should be file.
Check out and go to the downloads section.

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