I am trying to link a fast fourier transform library (fftw) to my codes. I downloaded the required .dll and .def files from According to the instructions, I have to execute the following lib command:
lib /machine:i386 /def:libfftw3-3.def
The MSDN help file says: "To run LIB, type the command lib followed by the options..."
Question: where do I do this (in the VC++ environment)? The command window that I can access from the main VC++ window does not recognize it...
lib /machine:i386 /def:libfftw3-3.def
The MSDN help file says: "To run LIB, type the command lib followed by the options..."
Question: where do I do this (in the VC++ environment)? The command window that I can access from the main VC++ window does not recognize it...