I posted this on the wrong forum but Skip was kind enough to help me out - the only thing is - where do i put the code for adding and removing the toolbar
OnOpen and OnClose ?? (do those exist)?
Thank you!!
(original post and answer below)
Is there a way to add a toolbar to a workbook that will be shared? I am creating a template and want the toolbar to stick with the workbook every time it is saved as a new file.
I addd the toolbar and it works great on my hard drive and as long as i dont rename the file.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you!!
Toolbars (CommandBars) are not workbook objects, rather application objects. So they are associated with your Excel Application, and not an specific workbook you might save.
So here's what you would need to do. When this workbook opens, have the toolbar(s) ADDED and when the workbook closes, have the toolbar(s) DELETED.
Turn on your macro recorder and have at it. To get help for customizing these macros to your situation, please post your questions in forum707: VBA Visual Basic for Applications (Microsoft).
Don't let the Diatribe...
talk you to death!
Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE!
I posted this on the wrong forum but Skip was kind enough to help me out - the only thing is - where do i put the code for adding and removing the toolbar
OnOpen and OnClose ?? (do those exist)?
Thank you!!
(original post and answer below)
Is there a way to add a toolbar to a workbook that will be shared? I am creating a template and want the toolbar to stick with the workbook every time it is saved as a new file.
I addd the toolbar and it works great on my hard drive and as long as i dont rename the file.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you!!
Toolbars (CommandBars) are not workbook objects, rather application objects. So they are associated with your Excel Application, and not an specific workbook you might save.
So here's what you would need to do. When this workbook opens, have the toolbar(s) ADDED and when the workbook closes, have the toolbar(s) DELETED.
Turn on your macro recorder and have at it. To get help for customizing these macros to your situation, please post your questions in forum707: VBA Visual Basic for Applications (Microsoft).
Don't let the Diatribe...
talk you to death!
Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE!