You might try eBay (not likely, but you never know), and if you have a Goodwill store in your area, you might see if they have a computer equipment shop (in Austin, there was a Goodwill shop dedicated to computers, and it had a treasure trove of old books, software, PCs, etc.).
I have the 2.6 install set w/ manuals and 2.5 programming guide (Excellent book). I'd love to sell it you but unfortunately it is illegal in the state of VA to resell software (UTICA=BULLSH*T). However you may reinburse me for my shipping costs ;-). Drop me an email...
What your mother told you is true! You will go blind! (from moonshine anyway)
I'm rather in the same boat, though I've been using VFP for a year now so I'm not really new anymore.
I do like the Hacker's Guide to Visual FoxPro 6.0 from Hentzenwerke Publishing. Still it assumes you know FoxPro, so it's a bit intimidating at first.
I did pick up a copy of the QUE "Using Visual FoxPro 3" at a thrift store recently for $1 and I'm learning quite a bit from it, even though I have to check the help files, hackers guide, etc to find out what's been improved since it was written. --Dave D
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