when a phone has line appearances on it and is entered into a hunt group the group ignores phone and the line cant be heard ringing. I would just appear the hunt group only but the customer needs to use line redirection as well. can anyone help?
Make sure that the line that the customer will use is not in the hunt group. But remenber if the line is in the hunt group it will override any program related with the line.
U can have the same line on that phone besides the hunt group line, but only for outgoing call, because againg the hunt group take control of the incoming calls.
Try putting an answer key on the phone in question. The ans key will be of a DN that has no phone attached to it. Then program the 'phantom' DN to ring and appear for that line only, and have the answer key appear and ring on the phone where you want to monitor the line. The phantom DN should not be part of the hunt group.
thanks for your replies guys but i think i'm still up the creek. Overall what i'd like to acheive is ie. 221 rings then 222, 223 and then to a voicemail box but with the ability for line redirection at all phones. the company has 3 businesses operating within the 1 tel system. another option maybe to have off site notification of message instead?
Try bypassing the hunt group altogether with a daisy chain, by setting 221 to call forward to 222 on 4 rings and busy, 222 to CF to 223, and 223 to the voicemail after 6 rings but not on busy, so that 223's VM will not pick up all the calls. You won't have to mess with hunt groups at all.
And if you really want to do line redirection, keep in mind that this will tie up 2 lines: the first where the original calls came in, the second line where the call will leave again - for the duration of the conversation. If they're strapped for lines, this means that the next couple of calls could get a busy.
Have your tried Feature 4 call forward instead? You need to enable Line Redirection on the phone set, and then it will allow off-premise forward (at least for MICS4.1 and up) for the extension without tying up two lines.
Or to bypass the phone system completely, have them put on Call Forward on the lines from the CO.
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