Hello All,
I get an error at the end of the fucntion i.e a syntax error in Mozilla, can you please let me know can you please let me know what wrong with this ,I am unable to see anything wrong with this piece of code.
Thanks in advance!
I get an error at the end of the fucntion i.e a syntax error in Mozilla, can you please let me know can you please let me know what wrong with this ,I am unable to see anything wrong with this piece of code.
Thanks in advance!
function initializeGroupByList(selectTag,jpfScopeID){
var url = '/GPortal/portlets/User/getColumns.do?jpfScopeID='+jpfScopeID;
var ajax = new Ajax.Request(url,{method:'get',evalScripts:true,onComplete:populateGroupResponse,asynchronous:false });
sortableColumnsArray = window.opener.sortableColumnsArray;
for (i=0;i<sortableColumnsArray.length;i++){
if(sortableColumnsArray[i] == groupColumnsArrayDb[j])
for(i = 0;i<realGroupColumnsArray.length;i++){
document.getElementById(selectTag.id).options[i] = new Option(realGroupColumnsArray[i],realGroupColumnsArray[i]);
}/****The Syntax error shows up here ***/