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What would you do if you were asked to....

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Technical User
Dec 5, 2000
My Instructor asked me to do this.

What would you do if you were asked to make a document explaning all you know about computers, and you can just write it down, you have to include screen shoots? And just guessing, how long do you thingk the document would be? I've done bulding/taking apart/ram flashes/bios upgrades. I made my computer from differn't things found on the internet.
I did a half page on WINDOWS CD PLAYER, and found that if I were to do Picture It 99!, it would be about 10 pages at least! I see no way I can do all this in one week. He seems to think it would be about a 10 hour asignment. YEAH RIGHT!

I coulden't help but post this on here as I thought it was kinda funny. Replies are welcome!


P.S. I currently have about 50 complex programs on my computer, and about 75 total programs!
Think in excess of 1k pages and about 3 years. And that is text. But I've been around them for almost 40 years.
How deep does he want to go? Maybe a week on a processor chip with addressing and i/o processing. Might be able to get memory in also. Wouldn't include O/S or GUI or any of the video handling. Or data handling either.

Ed Fair

Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply.

Help increase my knowledge by providing some feedback, good or bad, on any advice I have given.

Do you own a scanner? I would open up my computer, take pictures of each component, explain what I know about each (don't get real in depth, ie: I installed a 52X Cd rom by setting it to secondary master, connecting the power and IDE connector and ran it to the Secondary IDE Connection on the motherboard). I think this shows you know what you are doing and understand how to connect it. Do this for each component and motherboard. If you have the time explain setting up your OS from fdisking the harddrive to installing drivers for each component. List all of the programs you are familiar with and what they are used for. Then if you have time, sit down, relax and have a cup of coffee or tea!

Sounds like you know quite a bit about computers, now organize it into categories!Hardware/Software/Applications/Programming?/Graphics/etc.

Use the KISS concept! (Keep it simple stupid) Write too much and it will become too confusing to read thus to confusing to grade, and we wouldn't want that...would we? :)

By the way, I know you weren't looking for any lectures or thoughts on how to write your report, but I couldn't resist, (sorry) I like report writing and research. Strange as it (I) may be.

Good Luck,


I hope I never get too old or arrogant to learn something new!
I don't intend this as a smart *** reply. I have worked with computers for a long time... but if somebody asked me to summarize everything I knew I would state "I don't know nuthin'". And then use about ten pages of text to explain the statement.

The technology is growing at an unfathonable rate. Anybody who claims to know "anything" is either a con man or a fool.

Sorry if that sounded bad. Many of us have been navigating the same boat for several years. My intention was to provide a quick answer to a homework problem.

BTW: if you see an answer similar to this on a resume, send a polite reply. "We aren't accepting applications at this time."

It sounds to me like someone wants you to train your own replacement. After I put in my notice I spent 2 straight weeks documenting the various things I did at my job at Cray Research. I ended up writing a training manual with step-by-step instructions on everything I did on a routine basis. All of the things that fell under "I don't know, go ask Neal, He did it last time" were kept off the list. I was told life sucked for a few months...

LOL I did a 10 page report, basically just listing the programs, what they are for, and how well I knen them. Then I went through the dos commands, and how to install any device on a computer. I also gave explanations like

AGP slot = Advanced Graphics Port/protocal
CD ROM = Compact Disk, Read only memory
RAM = Randome access memory, stores recently opend documents and files

.......ect, for all the devices, slots, case, motherboard,.... It was only 10 pages long, and he accepted it. :) I got by easy I think.

Will you report back on any comments and the grade? You should also get a feel for what he knows. And I'm also hoping you'll get a feel for what he is grading on.
If he was wanting 10 pages to see if you could string sentences together, or to check you spelling , then computers was probably the wrong subject for him to request.

Ed Fair

Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply.

Help increase my knowledge by providing some feedback, good or bad, on any advice I have given.

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