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What to install to access Oracle

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Mar 6, 2004
To access Oracle data via ODBC and writting application using VBA codes (Windows Environment), what client software do I need to install?

Hey Fella,

To access Oracle all you need is to use the following

    Dim oconn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim ADOrst As ADODB.Recordset

    With oconn
        .ConnectionString = "Driver={Oracle ODBC Driver};" & _
           "Dbq=FDMU;" & _
           "Uid=FDM;" & _
        .CursorLocation = adUseServer
    End With
        Set ADOrst = New ADODB.Recordset
    '--- Get the correct owner name for the control script
    ADOrst.Open sEXTRACT_SQL, oconn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

You may also need to set up an entry in system DSN


Maybe the question is not clear enough. I doubt if my pc has got the required odbc driver to make the above codes to run.

When I tried to create a system DSN and pick "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" as the driver, Windows XP prompts me with the following message:

"The Oracle client and networking component were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracel Version 7.3 (or greater) client software installation.

You will be unable to use this driver until these components have been installed."

What does this mean? Do I really need to go to the system administrator (who is remote to me) and request "Oracle client" from him? Or I can simply download it from somewhere or not?
If you are sure that you have the required Oracle client installed or you have the persmissions/license...plz make sure you have the path set up and the required registry settings.
Apologies for the vague answer but hopefully you have some avenues to look at.
No, help again.

I do not have the required Oracle client installed in the pc yet. Is this component readily downloadable free?

Oracle is installed and maintained by another team working globally for our company. Can someone tell me how it works in regards to licencing Oracle client software?

I simply want to create some small report applications using vba codings and access Oracle data via odbc. I hope that does not involve any licencing issue.

I doubt it. Go to Oracle.com and see. But you ABSOLUTELY need some Oracle installation before you can add the Oracle ODBC driver.

[glasses] [red]A palindrome gone wrong?[/red]
A man, a plan, a ROOT canal...
SkipVought, I don't think it is correct, unless I made you mis-interpret my question.

We have Oracle installed only in one Unix Box. A few Windows PC were already installed (not by me) with certain software to allow application written with VBA codings and accessing Oracle data in the Unix via ODBC. These PC's never have Oracle DB installed. I THINK they are just installed with Oracle client.

Question is where do I find the software to provide this Oracle access, in order to replicate the ability to access Oracle data from another PC.

I THINK the software is called Oracle client, but not too sure. And not sure where to get it. Please, someone must know this.
SkipVought said:
But you ABSOLUTELY need some Oracle installation

ykfc said:
I THINK they are just installed with Oracle client.

[red]How is my statement NOT correct?[/red]

[glasses] [red]A palindrome gone wrong?[/red]
A man, a plan, a ROOT canal...
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