Why it calls Atlantic, iI don't know. But I know, that the Atlantic-LAN is the internal LAN of a Hicom 300 E and a HiPath 4000. Over this LAN works the communication between the processor-boards. It has fixed IP-Adresses in the net . Thera are the SWU A with , the SWU B with , the ADS (ore in Monoprocessorconfiguration also the SWU) whith and the UW7-system whit Also the WAML-board hase a fixed adress, but I don't know exactly (4 or 7).
The Atlantic-LAN is very dangaros to handle. In first hardware versions already the power-saving of a connected LIC in a service-laptop crashed the system. In newer systems it is'nt so heavy but you have to be carefully to. Working on the Atlantic-LAN is like a operation near the heart!
It will be also used to connect some applications. For example the Siemens-ACD-Server is equipped with 2 LIC's. One to the Atlantic-LAN and one to the customer-LAN.
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