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What is your job title or what do you call yourself? 2

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Technical User
Oct 3, 2001
I am a systems administrator who also supports our PBX and I am trying to find a job title that incorporates both of my primary functions at work. Looking on the web doesn't yield much information though so I came to the source. I thought about converged telecom engineer but I was thinking that there might be an industry title out there already that maybe I am not aware exists. Any information that you have regarding matter would be great. Thank you in advance for any information provided.
The Philospher: I think, therefore I am confused.
In real life - Red headed step children of the I.S. department.

In title -
Voice Network Analyst or
Communications Specialist

1. Asst. Information Systems Manager
2. Computer support specialist
3. Technician II
4. Network Technician
5. Voice Systems Administrator
6. "Hey you, With all the strange tools."

** Genius is one percent inspiration and Ninety-nine percent perspiration **
I often think we should be called Babysitter's.
But I actually got stuck with Network Systems Consultant.
That translates into if I dial a wrong number or can't read and follow simple instructions, then it is your fault.
Executive Gopher


The maid... "You know, I was just here 5 minutes ago, can't you keep this place clean that long!?!?
I am working with Definity for 4 years now. I was a Sr.Customer Engg (Voice) in of the multinationals and recently joined another multinational as Telecom Technician.

How does it sounds?

Officially I am the IT Manager, but since my background is in e-mail most just call me the Mailman.
GOD (Giver of Dialtone) or TOD(sp toad)(Taker of dialtone) the title depends on the activities fo the day.


or Mr. MOTTR (sp motor)(Master of the Tip & Ring)

I also want ask whats gets your attention though the day?

Some comments listed below.

I most often respond to comments such as "Hey is the phone system down??" or "Why haven't we recieved any calls for the last hour?" these were usually preceeded by some type of work in the phone closet by someone who is generally not willing to admit it. LOL
My title..
Sr. Communication Network Analyst..

My telephone reads:

Dr. Dialtone

known around the corporation as:

The phone guy

Believe it or not....Phone Chick ;-) (aka Telecommunications Engineer). I have been called this at my previous company as well as my current employer.
I learned a long time ago, if they aren't calling for you, it means that all of your processes and equipment are running properly.

To that end, I wish they wouldn't call me at all.

Telecom Engineer/IT Support Specialist
They Call Me "Phone Freak"
My title PBX & Telecom Administrator.
Manage Avaya Definity PBX , Rad Equipment and now playing with Asterisk and SIP
I refer to myself as either the telecom monkey or donkey depending on how bitter I am feeling that particular day. Sometimes I make people beg for my services before I will do their bidding. The official title on my business card is Senior Telecommunications Analyst

When we had a flood in the office and I was the first to site because the S8700 alarmed out to me and I came to work at 4 AM, I was known as the Savior and dedicated employee. It's amazing what 13000 gallons of water leaking into a server room in a very short period of time can do to a PBX and voicemail system.

Thank god for raises and OT pay.
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