I set my cookies on this page based on feedback form
<cfcookie name="question1" value="#form.question1#">
<cfcookie name="question2" value="#form.question2#">
<cfcookie name="question3" value="#form.question3#">
then on a subsequent page I try to access them
<cfif cookie.question2 is "yes">
<cflocation url="technicalSupport.cfm">
<cfelseif cookie.question3 is "yes">
<cflocation url="storeService.cfm">
<cflocation url="finish.cfm">
I get this error...
Error resolving parameter COOKIE.QUESTION2
The cookie value QUESTION2 was not found in the current template file. The cause of this error is very likely one of the following things:
The name of the cookie variable has been misspelled.
The cookie variable has not yet been created or has timed out.
<cfcookie name="question1" value="#form.question1#">
<cfcookie name="question2" value="#form.question2#">
<cfcookie name="question3" value="#form.question3#">
then on a subsequent page I try to access them
<cfif cookie.question2 is "yes">
<cflocation url="technicalSupport.cfm">
<cfelseif cookie.question3 is "yes">
<cflocation url="storeService.cfm">
<cflocation url="finish.cfm">
I get this error...
Error resolving parameter COOKIE.QUESTION2
The cookie value QUESTION2 was not found in the current template file. The cause of this error is very likely one of the following things:
The name of the cookie variable has been misspelled.
The cookie variable has not yet been created or has timed out.