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What is wrong with my code: tryign to read a text file

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Jul 19, 2006

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

open(FH,"test.txt") or &dienice("Can"t open test.txt: $!");
my @ary = <FH>;

foreach my $line (@ary) {
print $line;

Reading the error message might help. [wink]

And if you are unable to understand the error message yourself, you should at least include it in your post, in order to help others to help you.

A hint:
You cannot simply include a " between two "".
replace it by ', or by \
oh yeah haha -

no error messages come up. The screen goes blank :(
Ok, I tried your code and got an error message;
try the change I suggested in my previous post!
the code is now.


print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

open(FH,"test.txt") or &dienice("Cant open test.txt: $!");
my @ary = <FH>;

foreach my $line (@ary) {
print $line;

blank pages apears :/
on the command line type the following (assuming windows)
perl -c script.pl

As well as the error hoinz pointed out, I don't see any reference to the dienice procedure that's being called in the event of error


Spend an hour a week on CPAN, helps cure all known programming ailments ;-)
For me it worked, on Unix, when I replaced can"t by can't ...

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

open(FH,"test.txt") or die("Cant open test.txt: $!");
my @ary = <FH>;

foreach my $line (@ary) {
print $line;

is what its at and still get no error messages.

perl is running on my web hosting not my pc - so I have no access to the command line.

All i want to do is show the contents of a txt file - wether than be in the browser or if the txt file just opens.

If you have a better way or "working" way hah that would be brilliant.
Are you sure that test.txt has some contents to be printed out?

Also, if you insist on cross-posting your questions, it's considered common courtesy to at least mention that other people are helping with the problem elsewhere.
or to be more precise:
it worked, when there was a file test.txt
Otherwise I get:
Undefined subroutine &main::dienice called at ./tt.pl line 5.

PaulTEG has spotted that.
There's your problem so, as I've mentioned in your other thread. You don't have any subroutine called "dienice". Usually when people do that, they define something like this (putting in HTML code when it's a HTML page they're generating):
sub dienice {
   print @_;
Yeah test.txt has 5 lines, each with the words TEST1 - TEST5 on them :x
That's strang now.
The code posted on 19 Jul 06 6:34 works for me, no matter whether the file is there ...
lol now im really confused.

Just to make 100% sure


form action="
which posts to call_newsletter.pl which is in


print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

open(FH,"test.txt") or die("Cant open test.txt: $!");
my @ary = <FH>;

foreach my $line (@ary) {
print $line;

and then there is


which has 5 lines
Is there a question there?

Spend an hour a week on CPAN, helps cure all known programming ailments ;-)
maybe your real problem, although this probably sounds stupid, is all the shorthand you're using. try expanding it all and you might find your problem.
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