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What is really benefit to use ASP ?

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Technical User
Dec 25, 2002
There are so many web development way. I am pretty new to ASP. I am wondering why we use ASP, then stuck into Microsoft platform ? As you know, there are so many open source like Linux, plus there are so many programming tools for that as well.

ASP seems to be pretty complicated for coding. I just want to know why developer choose ASP?
ASP is similar to visual basic, which visual basic is the most popular programming language in the world, and has more programmers and lines of code than any of its nearest competitors - (planet source code.com) so it makes sence to put it on the web lots of programmers know it, its fast to write, and web pages need to go up quick, and need to be dynamic in this day and age.

- Jason www.vzio.com

If you already have a Windows OS on your system, then asp is the easiest choice to make. Almost all windows OS have either PWS(personal web server) or IIS(internet information server) on them (EXCEPT winXP Home). Therefore, most of us have everything thet we need top start developing on our home PCs.

Another thing to consider is the web server that you are using for your live site. A great deal of them are also running Windows 2000 (and IIS). Once again, the easy choice is asp. As other technologies become more prevalent (like php) some of us will expand our horizons. Some already have.

You say "ASP seems to be pretty complicated for coding" but once you use it and get to know it, it is not so tough. Get the Best Answers! faq333-2924
"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire
snowboardr: I can't believe that VB is the most common language. C or C++ should far out weight it, not to mention quite a few other languages. Theres an old saying, that I sort of agree with, If someone learns Basic for their first programming language, they will never be a programmer.

The largest reason that people turn to ASP is because it is easy to use compared to PHP, JSP, etc if you don't have a great deal of programming experience. Similar to VB it is easier to understand for the non-programmer and easier to start with than something like JSP or PHP. The syntax is more english like and less confusing for many people and it is easier to get something working (not necessarraly well) in ASP as a beginner than in PHP or JSP.

As for language comparisons:
ASP is slow, the com objects it depends on slow it down and the fact that it needs less programming knowledge to use means there is a lot more code out there that is extremely innefficient. Add in the fact that a lot of people use IDE's to write ASP (which produce cookie cutter code) and that slows it down further. It is also platform dependant (Windows).

JSP is faster. Based on the Java language and able to run on any platform that Apache supports. It is compiled at first access making it technically faster, but since it is compiled to an interpreted code this causes it to slow down some.

PHP is fast. It is harder to use as a beginner. It is based off of Perl and has a large group of developers constantly creating new libraries for it. It is also open source and can run on any platform that apache supports.

ASP.Net is faster than ASP, I haven't compared it to PHP or JSP. It to is a compiled code, but like JSP it compiles to an interpreted language (thus the need for framework). It is extremely dependant on the IDE interface, though you can code it without that. It adds quite a bit of overhead to your pages and is extremely cookie cutter, meaning that it adds generic clumps of code for you and it may have several lines in each clump that you don't actually need, thus causing extra load. A lot of the functionality and coding style of VB.Net was blatently stolen from Java and in some cases is not quite as good. Runs on Windows.

I have heard a lot of people say that PHP is better than ASP, and in some ways it is. But their is also a much larger library developor group for PHP whereas with ASP there is no large support for creating useful libraries and passing them around. Database access is faster for PHP than it is for ASP. I have heard many people say that PHP is prettier than ASP, but I have never seen this proven, as I have written some extremely pretty ASP scripts.

Anyways, that is my addition to the topic.

-Tarwn ________________________________________________________________________________
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Qutoe: "...why we use ASP, then stuck into Microsoft platform ?..."

if u're not stuck with MS, u want to be stuck with Linux then?

"ASP seems to be pretty complicated for coding."

no no. Cant get simpler than ASP. You never really programmed anything really didnt you.
if u're not stuck with MS, u want to be stuck with Linux then?

How so?
PHP is not dependant on the Linux platform
JSP is not dependant on the Linus platform
ColdFusion is not dependant on the Linux platform
Perl is not dependant on th Linux Platform

I'm sure I missed one somewhere, but you get the idea.

It is easy to write ASP, it is slightly less easy to write really good asp, I would rate PHP and JSP as being somewhere in the middle of those two statements or as harder than ASP period depending on your programming experience.

I chose ASP because that was what my first major project was written in, since then I have chosen it because I had two more consecutive projects in ASP and by that time I was so into it I couldn't see starting over from scratch with something else. I have written a little JSP, PHP, and Perl, but not enough to put on my resume much less feel comfortable with.

-Tarwn ________________________________________________________________________________
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Yes, u can run yr webapp on apache anywhere. Everyone is stuck with something: u can be stuck with JSP, ColdFusion, Perl... what not. Why not get stuck with ASP? What about ISAPI - dont want it simply coz it's Microsoft and therefore it's not "cool"?

ASP slow? What about COM+ app? What about ASP.NET. It's compiled rite? I'm a C++ programmer, but I certainly dont sneer at VB programmers (in fact been programming in VB for a few months now) because like you said "It's easy" - That's a BIG advantage because there're so many things u need to do and learn - Why spent a second on technologies that harder and more complicated than necessary? "Complexity" is not a virtue. It does not make a development too "cool" or "professional" - it simply slow you down and make simple things complicated. I use C++ ONLY IN CIRCUMSTANCES where I need speed and portability: definintely not GUI.

I have to get in here
- dont want it simply coz it's Microsoft and therefore it's not "cool"?


I'm a C++ programmer, but I certainly dont sneer at VB programmers
does that sound right?

seemingly seem to be going against some things said and then saying the opposite.

no body is stuck with anything. you can run all of these references from any machine that is properly set up. which if you are in this field should not be a problem or you should think about looking into another field

{ str = "sleep is good for you. sleep gives you the energy you need to function";
ptr = /sleep/gi;Nstr = str.replace(ptr,"coffee");alert(Nstr); }
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OK, yes there are things slower than ASP, that was not an issue. ASP is slow compared to other, similar, technologies that I listed above.
ASP.Net I believe was in my list above.
Concerning getting stuck, I was only arguing the point you made concerning OS's. Every server-side scripting language needs...a server...
I am a programmer, I have used/do use C, C++, Pascal, Java, Fortran, Lisp, ASP, JSP, PHP, Perl, VB, VBA, VBScript, Javascript, XML/XSL/DTD/etc, QWBasic, VB.Net, ASP.Net...
And so on
VB is slow, it has many inherent properties that I dislike. It was designed intially to be the businessmans software creation tool. It has improved since I first trid it out, but it still relies a good deal on the IDE and is generally misunderstood even by some VB programmers (take array declaration for instance). I do not choose languages for their complexity. I choose languages that
a) will do the job,
b) not piss me off,
and then optionally
c) be efficient
d) not try to guess what I want them to do,
e) not argue with me when I try and copy/paste a portion of another line of code

Out of curiousity, why do you assume I don't like ASP? Have you looked at the list to the right f the thread that has "This Forums Top Experts?". I never said I didn't like it.

All of the comments on relative speeds are fact, according to every set of benchmarks done excluding the ones where MS optimized IIS and then de-optimized Apache (search for halloween papers)

Comments on OSD dependancy are fact unless you include products like chilisoft that are thirdparty and don't run as well as IIS.

Please point out where I was sneering at VB programmers. I don't sneer at VB programmers, I sneer at VB :) Large difference.

On Complexity - no one sets out saying "I am going to build a complex language". They say, I am going to allow lower level access to increase possible efficiency, or I am going to leave more tie-ins available for other programmers to add in their own libraries or I am going to make it open source so that later developers can improve the language or I am going to make the syntax more C-like.

Basically I was attempting to show some facts in my first post, along with a little experience and opinion. I'm sorry if you took this as "I think ASP is uncool", but please don't argue things I said when they are you own misinterpretation.

-Tarwn ________________________________________________________________________________
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lsmail, I apologize if we hijacked your thread a little, I hope the earlier posts were helpful.

-Tarwn ________________________________________________________________________________
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at faq333-2924
hijacked ??

yes they have, but all in great benifit for information reasoning.

I think from all this you can deffinetely see that,
the choice of why this language or platform (ASP), is mainly going to be benificial on the type of job you are wanting to perform.
If you can run a site on PHP faster and more efficient the ASP then by all means you might want to do that. HOWEVER, if you don't know PHP and are not familiar with it's syntax and functionality.... are your clients going to stick around for you to learn as you go? no!!!!

ASP can give you everything you need in web development as other platforms can. if you learn ASP and get good at it you will notice that as some say it is slow it will be kind to you in performance overall. I can contest to that.
Of course if someone says PHP is faster and that is what you should learn for your top developmental reasons then you should follow that path. ---------------------------------------
{ str = "sleep is good for you. sleep gives you the energy you need to function";
ptr = /sleep/gi;Nstr = str.replace(ptr,"coffee");alert(Nstr); }
for the best results to your questions: FAQ333-2924

1. "Of course if someone says PHP is faster and that is what you should learn for your top developmental reasons then you should follow that path."

Have you tried moving your computational intensive code to ATL-COM/C++? And leave only textboxes and simple GUI stuff with ASP/VBScript, perhaps then you dont need to complain about speed.

2. I didnt mean to stir things up. But I have seen too many people attacking VB on "Efficiency" (computational) - a lot of applications do NOT require cutting edge computation efficiency. What about "development efficiency"? I'm a C++ programmer/data mining and only started on VB a few months ago. But I can definitely see how VB can speed up the development cycle and everyone go home early.

Where computational efficiency is required, say encryption, have all your GUI in VB and actual encryption/decryption in C++ - why bitch? I really dont see a lot of reasons to develop GUI with C++. A lot of C++ programmers seems to be nervous that VB guys can do so much of what they can do in a fraction of time... and they play defensive. I've seen to much Linux (cool) Vs MS (evil), C Vs VB, C Vs Java... all that silly crap. Oracle is a lot better than SQL server... because, again, it's Microsoft...

For all I know, I'd try to stay with technologies that offer most jobs and what most people use =)

3. "{ str = "sleep is good for you. sleep gives you the energy you need to function";"

man, i totally agree with you. I am a programmer, but I certainly sleep 8 hours each day. I do not pride myself on how little I sleep.

Let me be simple at explaining the benefits of ASP

HTML Pages = Static (boring)
ASP Pages = Dynamic (oh yeah baby)

* * * * * * * * * * *

Lol, simple, direct to the point, and got a laugh out of me after a long day :)
I rate this post two thumbs up :)

-Tarwn ________________________________________________________________________________
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at faq333-2924
Hi Everyone,

I do appreciate that you actively participate the topic. I know that each language has its advantage and disadvantage.
I do use PHP, Perl and Mysql, etc. a lot.

When I post the topci, I hope that we can get clearer picture for web language what we are using. It will be very helpful for us.

Some of discussion here is very informative and knowleagable. Thanks again.
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