I am asking, because our reporting seems to show a ridiculously high number of them for our call center.
Typically our call center receives 150-200 calls per day.
The reporting is showing that there are 60-75 lost calls per day, which cannot bne accurate, as I have sat there and watched calls as they come into the call center for over an hour and not seen one single call drop off.
I have also seen(in Call Status) that calls are getting flagged as missed calls, when they "transfer" from the Queue to a call center agent.
This is very frustrating to our Call Center manager, as she knows that she is not getting that many lost calls per day, but the reporting seems to show otherwise.
Can anyone help me out here?
Thank You.
Typically our call center receives 150-200 calls per day.
The reporting is showing that there are 60-75 lost calls per day, which cannot bne accurate, as I have sat there and watched calls as they come into the call center for over an hour and not seen one single call drop off.
I have also seen(in Call Status) that calls are getting flagged as missed calls, when they "transfer" from the Queue to a call center agent.
This is very frustrating to our Call Center manager, as she knows that she is not getting that many lost calls per day, but the reporting seems to show otherwise.
Can anyone help me out here?
Thank You.