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What DB manager should I use to desing a DB applicaiton??? 4

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Jan 9, 2002
Here's the short overview. I am writting a rather complex accounting application which will consist of at least 20 or so different databases, (customers, products, employees, etc). Some of these 'files' will ultimalty be required to hold up to 100,000+ records. I am using VC++ to write the apps. At this point I am using MSAccess to design the databases. (I am not using access to create any forms or reports...just the databases and their field definitions).

The application will be run on networks of up to 10 or so clients off of a server. Now may question... Is Access capable of handling this? Is there a better choice? Can I design the databases in Access and latter 'xfer' the database definitions (tables etc.)from Acess to another database manager?

Any comments or options would be helpful at this point.
Since you are already working with the m$oft suite I would suggest to use SQL-server. There are other DBMS (oracle, interbase, mysql etc.) which can handle it also.
At least 20 tables, a lot of transactions, multi-user input etc. is to big for access. Access is a desktop database, good for some personnel files like adresses and cookbooks, not for mission critical bussiness application.

The possibility exist to upscale from access to sql-server, or any other RDBMS, but hold in mind that wat will work in access may not work on a client-server system. S. van Els
Forgive my lack of knowledge with RDBMS's. I have used a proprietary database/file system for 15 years...all written in assembly for my DOS based app. I should have converted my software to windows 5 years ago so now I am playing catchup trying to learn VC++ and about RDBMS's at the same time. It is clear to me that a decision about which database I will be using should be made on the front-end of my development. That being said...I have another question for.

My applicaiton will be used by small (mom & pop) to medium sized business. I have been asking some questions of my software supplier in reguard to SQL Server. They inform me that SQL Server is a $1500 package. My concern here is the small mom & pop client...I need to be able to offer he/she this applicaiton which may run on a stand-a-lone PC or possible the need for 1 workstation might be necessary. Currently I am using a pier-to-pier connection for all my networks. I realize that a client/server would be best for larger installations, (note my largest would probably be 15 or so workstations on a network, avg maybe 5). My concern is one of cost for my smaller clients...the're not going to shell out $1500 for SQL...let alone having to setup a stand-a-lone server for what should be doable on 1 PC.

In addtion..my app supports what amounts to remote point-of-sale systems. These systems are almost always at a remote location from the servier, (by remote I mean 30 miles away not next door), and there is no need for a live connection given that I can download on a daily basis updates to the remotes and download daily transactions from the remotes. Given this, how dose SQL Server fit in to the picutre??? This is obviously not a situation where a server is requried but the remotes must have the databases on them???

At some point you are going to have to decide where the cost vs. maintainablility lies. For small business, Access may work but I agree with svanels about it. It may cause more problems in larger businesses.

You options may be: support two different DB or find one that is scalable. MySQL, Interbase, and Advantage are three that come to mind. There are probably more, too.

James P. Cottingham

I am the Unknown lead by the Unknowing.
I have done so much with so little
for so long that I am now qualified
to do anything with nothing.
I also catched up from dos (pascal environment) and choosed delphi, (never regretted it).
One drawback of sql-server, it sits on top of a NT-server.
So you have too look also at the operating system.
Interbase on the other hand, a 10 user system will cost you roughly $1500, and you can run it on a low Windows95 workstation.
Actually I am using a 5 user system on W95 where the database runs on the background. This computer is 1x24 hours in use in a Control Room. S. van Els
With MS-Access 2000 and 2002 has a built in tool to "Upsize" your database to SQL Server whenever you want.

I would suggest that you design your tables in Access but use datatypes compatible to SQL Server (Step by Step Microsoft SQL Server Programming has a comparison chart).

This way for the small clients you can use MS-Access (limit mdb file size to 2 GB in Access 2000 and 2002) and for the bigger ones use the access database but upsize it to SQL Server.

Is there any good and cheap solution for mom & pop with with 2-5 pc's but large databases? Seems Windows+nt+sql+access+new Pc's=lots of $$.

Can an app be written in Oracle and sold to run on Lynux?

What language would you guys recommend learning and using to an old dog willing to throw away all old knowledge and old foxbase/dos apps and start anew, on a proyect similar to mwr412's?

I'm willing to learn Alaska xbase, Delphi, Max, sql, Access, Oracle, Clipper, Visual Fox, FiveWin, Dbsee,or anything,but these are yust names to me now, and no way I can learn all and decide later.
If you go oracle you need lots of $$$, also administering Oracle is not for everyone.

My advise: Delphi + interbase + sql

The professional and enterprise versions come bundled with Interbase. Delphi 6 is the MS Windows edition, and Kylix is geared for development of Linux. It is possible to design for both operating systems with Delphi6 (enterprise).

Interbase is a fully functional RDBMS, stable, easy to administer and sql compliant. If you learn sql you can poke around in almost every RDBMS. Delphi pro version comes with Local Interbase (no remote connections) and the enterprise version comes with a 5 license pack. Ideal for developping and testing multi-user client server applications.

Regards S. van Els
Since you are familiar with C++ another option is C++ Builder + Interbase + SQL. The C++ version is coming out for Linux too.

James P. Cottingham

I am the Unknown lead by the Unknowing.
I have done so much with so little
for so long that I am now qualified
to do anything with nothing.
If you want an affordable, desktop (or small network) database for applications look into MS Visual FoxPro. VFP has a powerful database engine, a strong internal language based on xBase (of dBase fame), supports multiple users, can run on a number of OSs (OK so they all MS OSs), and the client doesn't need a license to run VFP since you can compile and distribute the whole app as an .exe. Also if the client grows VFP has upsizing capabilities to Oracle and MS SQLServer. If you are using VC++ from Visual Studio 97 or 6 you have a copy of VFP already (v5 or 6 respectively), and VFP 7 is standalone since it is not part of the .Net fold.

Just my 2cents.
Access seems to get a lot of stick in this forum & I feel I ought to stick up for it!
Access Can handle this sort of system I have databases running with 30+ concurrent users out of a possible for over a year with no problems, and I have anecdotal evidence of 100 concurrent users on a single app.
I also have large databases with over 1,000,000 records runnig with few problems. The 2 gig limit is not a limit of Access, but a limit of windows. Windows cannot handle files larger that 2gig so this is where Access has it's limit. This can be worked around with linked files.
The problem is not with Access itself. The problem is often with the design. If the database is well designed and your network is relatively stable, then there is no reason why Access cannot meet your requirements. It also has the benefit of being relatively cheap, extremely powerful when needed and has a massive user support group.
As far as cost is concerned, if you buy the developers edition you can create runtime databases which allow your databases to be run without having Access installed.
I may be biased, but I say Access every time!
You are right, Access is not a client server system, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. If you definately want client server then there is also the issue of MSDE to consider.
The latest version of Office Pro (I think!) comes with MSDE which is essentially a cut down version of SQL server and again comes with unlimited distribution licences. It is "optimized" (Microsoft speak for "Crippled") to 5 concurrent users, but it may be worth a look at.
The biggest downside I can see is that Access will only run on windows, but in this day and age, it is not usually a big problem.
I wish you all the best in making your choice and will be interested to find out what you eventually go for.

Ben ----------------------------------
Ben O'Hara
If this is truly an accounting, order entry, inventory application, have you considered one of the off-the-shelf packages? I haven't looked at them for a while, but Macola and Business Works by Manzanita, to name a few may still exist. And there must be others. Much cheaper than custom written. If they have the functionality, why reinvent the wheel?
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