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What can i do? 1

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Technical User
Feb 28, 2006
Im getting my A+ soon, but im only 17. Is there any place where I can get a full time job at while going to college or get a part time job at while going to college? Im a jr in HS right now and I plan on taking my Sr. Year online and getting my Diplioma online while hopefully working a full time job with my A+
pound the bricks. Try the major chains like Circuit city, Best Buy. You are looking for experience at this point. You might try volunteering at any non-profits in your area. This can be good for making contacts and persoal networking. Impress someone with your skills and work ethic and it could lead to a possitive referral. Try and convince someone in business to mentor you and give you the benefit of their knowledge (sort of the old Horatio Alger story) (you may want to look that one up). Good luck.

Do you think finishing my HS Sr. year online is a good choice? So I can get more experience in the work force, because after I work for a little bit im going to get my Bach. degree in Networking. Im still trying to decide if finishing it online is the best choice for my future.
Online education is not for everyone. I speak from experience here. It is very similar to correspondence education in that it requires a good deal of committment and self determination. It is by no means "easier" than traditional schooling. Find out if this online diploma is an actual diploma or an "equivalency"degree. This could be a factor when you try and go for the Bach. degree.

Don't be in such a huge rush to get out into the workforce (unless, of course your circumstances dictate). If you do secure employment it will surely be at the low end of the scale. You need to consider financing for your college education. Money is the biggest hurdle you will encounter as you go forward. If your parents are going to help with school finance, be sure to discuss this fully with them. You will want to fully explore ALL financial aid options as you go forward.

I understand that HS may seem like a huge drag now but don't short change yourself in your teen years. You will have years in the workforce and it gets to be a drag soon enough. Trust me. Best of luck in your decision. Feel free to ask any other questions. I have a great deal of experience in the online education world. I recently finished my BS, summa cum laude with a 4.0 and I have started on my Masters.

Personally, I'm not much of an online education advocate. There have been plenty of people I know who couldn't do what they wanted to, because of an other than traditional diploma (specifically high school graduates). I spent some time as a Marine Corps recruiter (not in the USMC now, so won't push the military, although it is very tempting), and the military as a whole has some issues with not having a traditional diploma. Even some colleges have issues.

I'm with glister on this one. Don't be in such a rush, and the financial aid portion is a big one. Look at grants as well (free money), but I'm not sure what the "grant board" will feel about an other than traditional diploma as well.

I can't comment on college, as I dropped out, and joined the USMC, where I became a computer/network geek, and later became a government employee. College is not for everyone, although it is getting to the point that you almost need a degree anymore.

Good luck in you endeavors.
My belief is that you need a Bachelors Degree nowadays just to get past the Human Resources "firewall".

Once your resume is past the H.R. "firewall", then it can be considered by the screeners of the I/T department.

If your resume get selected by the screeners, you will then get called in for an interview.

Good Luck
OK, well I dont know if I can actually go to a real college and get my Degrees because I am not so well in some of my classes (Eng). Would it really hurt me if I just went to a college, lets say ATI. They have courses where I can get my A+ Cert, MCP, and Networking. Would you guys say this is an OK route?
Knowledge is knowledge. It's all in how you apply it. Certifications will probably get you quicker results but will not necessarily carry your further in the long run. The biggest trick is to start developing some good study habits. Education and certification is not about the end result but the knowledge gained along the way. Education is a never ending journey. Start building a base on which to grow your education. Schools that offer accredited classes will help you do this. You will be able to transfer these credits to the next school on your way. You could aim for an Associates degree first. Gain a few certs along the way. Next aim for a Bachelors in a field that interests you. If you can make a living doing something you enjoy, it takes some of the drudge out of going to work everyday. Good luck.

Well to get an associates degree or a bachelors degree dont I have to take English, Math, Science, and History? Because I dont do too well in those classes.
That's the whole purpose of self improvement. You can get better at these. If we all just went around doing all the stuff that was easy, we wouldn't get very far. If you don't push yourself and strive for improvement, you are doomed to a fairly miserable existence. Now get off your ass and show a little backbone (that was said with the greatest affection and support ;o)

Personally, I'm not much of an online education advocate. There have been plenty of people I know who couldn't do what they wanted to, because of an other than traditional diploma (specifically high school graduates). I spent some time as a Marine Corps recruiter (not in the USMC now, so won't push the military, although it is very tempting), and the military as a whole has some issues with not having a traditional diploma. Even some colleges have issues.

You probably should push the military option. Some of the smartest people and highest paid jobs that I've seen in the IT industry have gone to ex-military people. Not only that, you can get yourself a security clearance which goes a VERY long way to getting a job.

I'd say having 4+ years in the military is as good as having a 4 year degree. This from a person that never got a degree nor was in the military. For sure the military isn't for everyone (me for sure, I've always had a problem with authority) but again, college isn't for everyone either.

I've taken online courses only to be so distracted I never could finish them. After spending 8, 10, 12+ hours a day on a computer the last thing I want to do is sit in front of a computer when I get home for a couple of hours reading.

At 17 though, frostbite2600, I'd say you have lots of options. The biggest option you have is to do nothing which is exactly the very last thing you want to do. Go to college, join the military ... something. You WILL need something. The days of having no degree or higher education are about over. Good luck in your decision.

Yea, I was thinking about joining the military, but I have a very slight stignitism and I can't join the army. What I am thinking about doing though is just to go to the ATI Tech school, and get my A+, Networking and MCP cert. and try to get a full time job using that, and while working ill go to college on my laptop as much as I can. If I take college on my own time on a laptop ill get it done, I wont put it off.
I am a huge fan of a structured learning environment. It's much easier to stay on track, you have a real live teacher/professor to help you. In college you also have tutoring aids and Teaching Assistants.

I find that many schools, especially of the on-line variety will fudge their accreditiation somehow, meaning that they will be truthful in saying they are accredited but in reality not by the right agencies or recognized agencies. I tend to stick to Universities/colleges and real technical schools. One way to find out if a school is worth while is to call the big state university in your area and ask if they accept credits or students from such and such school. Or better yet, call the college/university/tech school you want to go to and ask their admissions department if they accept students whole finish H.S. from that online school.

Lastly, Highschool and especially college can be great places to meet new people, try new things and really figure out who you are and what you want to be doing. While in college you could get a job in one of the computer labs. Not much money, but a great place to learn and you will have time to study in between. Oh, and if you can get the money/grants/finacial aid move away from home for college, it really helps you grow (if you do it right).

I have my bachelors, a few certs and I am going back to school for my masters in the fall. I can't wait to get back to really using my brain.

A little knowledge is dangerous.
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