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What are the best practices for creating and distributing IE 6.0 SP1?

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May 22, 2002
I am going to need to create and distribute a package for IE 6.0 SP1. I'm wondering if anyone has created and successfully deployed a package for this version of IE and what they can tell me to do for the best way to distribute it?

I tried the IEAK for distributing IE to outside sales people via CD. Problem was that after running the distribution pack that the IEAK produced it knocked out the ability for that computer to open any windows that werent the parent. Which was nice when it wouldnt load pop-up ads ... it would just show a blank window with nothing from the pop-up loading. But ... it was quite annoying when trying to work with internal webpages that popped up reports in a new window, or using mapquest, etc.

Did I do something wrong there? I had intended on using that as the testing ground for distributing IE to all the users in the building after that.

Matt Laski
Sysadmin, Pulsafeeder Inc.
I am using IEAK. I'm just making sure that there isn't anything funny that I need to do with SMS because of the first bootup finishing the installation with admin rights.

To clarify,
Whenever you load a new version of IE on a machine, you have to boot the first time with Admin rights because it finishes part of the installation. I don't remember if by using IEAK, you bypass this.

I am currently testing an SMS Installer script that will reboot the system four times and logs on the system with a user I created with admin rights to do the installation. I have also added within the script the cumulative patch MS03-004. I had to add specific entries because we have applied security templates (we're not on AD yet). I built the ie6setup via IEAK and the installer script executes it. The script also locks the mouse and keyboard preventing users from stopping the installation. I found the .ipf for IE5 on myitforum and modified it for IE6 (it only reboots 3 times and I added another phase).

However, I am having one problem. I have tested this on four machines. IE6SP1 install updates the shdocvw.dll. On two machines it updated and on two it did not, even though the .exe completed. I discovered this when the MS03-004 returned an error that SP1 was not installed. I put in a switch to not check the version, but on the two machines it still did not update the .dll. Any ideas on this?

If you want the .ipf, I could email it, unless there's a way I can post it.
For the issue of blank windows try registering the .dll

regsvr32 urlmon.dll

I worked for us.
I am currently needing to do this as well and have run in to a bit of a snag. I have created queries to break up all my IE users in to categories based on the version they are using, such as IE5 sp2, IE 6 no service pack, IE 6 sp1, etc. The problem is, many of my clients have seem to have remnants of older versions of IE in miscelaneous directories, and therefor show up under the various collections I have created as having multiple versions. Has anyone else encountered this problem and found a good way to deal with it? Since there are approximately 1000 client, and I am the only SMS admin, I am looking for a better solution than manually deleting the "left over" pieces of older versions of IE.
I don't know of a way to delete all the remnants as I have the same issue. Howevever, the best way to determine the version of IE is to query shdocvw.dll. I know you don't want to inventory all dll's, but there is a white paper on myitforum at where you can inventory a single dll file.

Also, I have solved the problem of the schdocvw.dll not replacing. I'm using the RESTART instead of SHUTDOWN.

Good luck.
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