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What are the Advantages of VB vs C++ 2

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Feb 14, 2001
I need to find out the Advantages of Visual Basic vs. C++
Mostly, it's important to match the language with the task. I know of a company who wrote a back-end server in C++ which took 67 hours to do a full compile. The resulting server was 3-4 times slower than the equivalent Microfocus COBOL program, even on a 8-processor server with 2gb of RAM.

VB is good for:
- User Interfaces
- Web business objects (COM+ modules)
- Fast time-to-market

C++ is good for:
- Calculation intensive code

VB is not suited for:
- Commercial software (needs a big set of runtime DLLs)

C++ is not suited for:
- Everything VB is good at.

Chip H.
The big advantage of visual basic is ease of use. Most of the memory managment is done for you rather than having to work with pointers to objects and directly allocate and deallocate memory as you can in C. VB also makes it very easy to create the user interface of a program, so most of your time can be spent writing the code that actually does the work behind the scenes. However i think that programs that do a lot of number crunching tend to be faster when writeen in C. Ruairi

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Thank you guys for giving me the advantages & disadvatanges. I Know VB fairly well. I am learning C now, hopeing to got to C++ next.

I wasn't quite sure which would be the best language to use to make a commercial program. It will be doing calculations and many other things. But, I wanted to use the language most useful and that will grow with the program. The current on is written in BASIC.

Any Ideas?
I think the whole discussion is often theoretical. So you need 1 or 2 MB of runtimes... How much does a 256 MB P4 cost nowadays?
If I write VB code for a month I have 0.5 MB in EXE's and 3-5 MB in OCX, DLL, MFC's and what-have-you.
If I write the same program in C++ it is going to cost the customer $5000 more on develloping time, but yes, he'll be able to save at least $250 on hardware requirements!!!!
Belive me, C++ is much better;)
Can do all things that you can imagine.
It is more powerfull.

C++ you can do all you want.

With C++ it is more easy to use Open GL or DirectX
You can do some DEMOSCENE:)

With VB you need to use API:(

Try it;) And do it if you can;)

VB6 is probably one of the closest to a great programming language that MS has put out in the last few years.

Advantages of VB:

1) GUI design is quick and easy.
2) Prototyping will always be faster than C++ can ever hope to be.
3) Smaller exe.
4) Can use C/C++ DLLS and data structures especially for graphics and calculations
with no trouble at all.
5) Internet as well as database oriented front ends are a breeze.
6) In terms of power, VB6 has almost caught up with C++ for reuse of objects. There isn't any true inheritance yet but there are workarounds to simulate it as well as

Disadvantages of VB

1) No true inheritance or polymorphism.
2) Not as quick in terms of execution but it hardly noticeable unless you arer doing
severe number crunching.
3) Quite a it of overhead but with today's machines it is negligible. Let's face it we re working in the real world of fast machines. There isn't a great deal of devlopment for the slower machine. MS has taught us that lesson.

VB actually is a highly useful language for commerical software. There are many, MANY largescale commerical apps written in VB6. I have developed a few myself. <g> It, of course, depends upon who is doing the development. Many VB developers still haven't got the knack of OOP in VB6 so they tend to treat VB6 almost like the BASICs of old with sloppy design.

Have a good one!
. Many VB developers still haven't got the knack of OOP in VB6 so they tend to treat VB6 almost like the BASICs of old with sloppy design.

Yeah, I've seen a lot of really bad VB code. :eek:)

I think it comes down to the talent level of the developer. A good developer will produce good code in whatever language they happen to be using. There was a story in Dr. Dobbs several years ago about a guy who was a smart guy, but had just graduated college. He was hired by a firm to be part of a large team (100+ developers), and given the assignment of reworking a text editor. After 9 months on the job, everyone was laid off, except for 8-9 programmers. These few people were able to complete the project within 6 months because they were &quot;super programmers&quot;, easily 3 times as efficient as the people who were let go.

Chip H.
Felt the need to reply to VisitorNow's comment:

I've been programming in DirectX with VB for a while now. It performs quite nicely. On my 233 I can refresh a screen of tiled images at 80+ fps with no flicker or stutter. No API required.
The best of both worlds is to create a VB interface, and for your number crunching functions, tie in to C/C++ dll's. VB is so much easier to write. Literally, performing the same tasks in C/C++ can take 10 or more times as many lines to write.
I'm developing a production software which has many module linked each other. During the development and implementation stage I have to customize it oftenly.

With VB I can finish the task, testing on the client machine and see if it meets the requirements. It all done in half a day. Imagine how much time I'll spend if I'm using C++.

Of course VB has its disadvantages but no programming language is the best. We have to fit it with our needs.
And since no one has mentioned it, C++ has compilers that are not Microsoft, which creates more programmers with new ideas not under the big Gate.
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