Technical User
I'm tying to do my friend a favor and put either win98,win98se, or winxp home onto a harddrive he gave me, when I disconnected my other harddrive and hooked that up and started my computer, it showed a win 98 screen and then stayed there for a couple of minutes, then evntually said:
Data error reading drive c
I tried every option listed above, but none worked. I even tried starting it in safe mode, and it didn't work. Should I just create a new partition and set winxp home, or is there a simpler way. Please help. Thank you,David.
Data error reading drive c
I tried every option listed above, but none worked. I even tried starting it in safe mode, and it didn't work. Should I just create a new partition and set winxp home, or is there a simpler way. Please help. Thank you,David.