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Feb 6, 2002
I am a newish user on PSP and I reallly am enjoying the program. I would like to discuss its features with anyone else who uses it! Come join the discussion!
I can't live without PSP! I'm so glag I'm not alone. I recently went from v3.0 to v4.15 and found myself switching back and forth to open the files the new version can't recognize.<br>
Should I stick with "TRIED-AND-TRUE" or throw it all to the wind and invest a gazillion dollars in Corel.<br>
All these answers and more....<br>
And whatever happened to "Enhance Detail"? It was so usefull.
I am pretty new to PSP, and am using version 5, so what I don't know won't hurt me :) I know that microWarehouse has a killer deal on Quark and Corel, if you need both, but for now I'm happy with PSP.
I am using v5 as well, and use it extensively. It is GREAT!!!!!! I am a web designer dealing with ALOT of graphic designing, and would not be able to do half of what I do without PSP5 Alt255, what do you mean the new version can't recognize files? I thought PSP recognized MORE file formats as the versions went up. Or do you mean .PSP files? Anyway, I would stick with PSP if I were you, and DEFINITLY update, you will find 5 is SOOOOO sweeeeet!
I use PSP a lot. I'm using v5, but I started <br>
with v3 a couple of years ago. The "capture"<br>
feature was the original reason I bought it,<br>
but then I saw everything it can do. I use<br>
it exclusively to construct animated GIFs for <br>
my web page (along with the GIF Construction<br>
Set from Alchemy Mindworks). I'll be happy to<br>
share any knowledge I've picked up.
I use PSP6, and although I own Photoshop 5.5, I use PSP6 so much more for the web... I love it. <p>Liam Morley<br><a href=mailto:lmorley@wpi.edu>lmorley@wpi.edu</a><br><a href= imotic ::</a><br>
Another version#5 user here. I started off with #3 after I heard all the raves about it on America On Line. Its a great program and I use it all the time. It's the #1 program I use for my graphics even though I have Fireworks as well. what really sells me on #5 is the animation wizard. I understand the newest version has many more &quot;buttons&quot; to play with.

I also love that there are so many Internet sites with PSP related info and downloads. Its one of the programs that I hope I never have to do without!

Logo &amp; Web Page Designs Inc.

Logo & Web Page Designs Inc.
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