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weirdest video card problem

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Technical User
Jan 27, 2003
Hi, guys

I have got a big problem with my video card (Radeon 8500 LE & Geforce 4 MX440). It always freezes.

Here are some tips I got during the system testing.

The regular error reports from Windows after a system crash ususally contain:

1, windows has detected and recovered from a device failure...
2, the graphic device driver seems to be responsible for the system instability
3, the graphic device can not draw a diagram
4, system has recovered from a fatal error
5, error message details:
"BCCode : ea BCP1 : 818BF2A8 BCP2 : 81A 73C30 BCP 3 : 81 A 42158
BCP : 00000001 OSvER : 5_1_2600 SP : 1_0 Product 256_1"

Sometimes the system just died there and sometimes it returned to safe mode, and occasionally it restarted.

It is the 8th time I reinstall Windows XP (currently installed is a XP Professional bought last August with full XP service pack 1. I also tried another version of XP professional and a XP home edition earlier).

Current driver is the laterst from ATI website, Catalyst 3.0. It brings the system back to lowest resolution. I tried 4 versions of drivers:
1, the driver from the Sapphire CD with this card
2, Microsoft driver for 8500 family, I guess it is available only with service pack 1
3, two most recent drivers from ATI and Sapphire websites

However, no luck with any of them. Although it looks like a video device/driver problem, the real cause may be more complicated.

My personal opinion about the possible causes are:
Motherboard compatibility, as we have tried 2 popular cards from both nvidia and ATI, it doesnot look really like a video card problem. Maybe there are some issues that involve
1, motherboard compatibility
2, Hard drive issue, some website forums also said the installation of IDE drivers could be the cause, but those devices are identified by Windows automatically everytime
Somebody also mentioned the conflicts from memory chip, however I doubt it
3, Somebody said I am lucky enough to get 2 defective/unstable cards, I don't believe it myself
4, Some forum said it could be a MB voltage setting issue, but I think the default setting from the manufacturer should be fine. I am using the latest BIOS setting as well.

Celeron 2.0 G hz
Gigabyte 8ST667-L, SIS 645DX
Winbond memeory, PC 2100 256 mb
ATI 8500 le (tried Geforce 4 MX 440 earlier, same result)
MAXTOR hard drive 30 G 7200 rpm
Windows XP professional, with service pack 1


try catalyst 2.4, sounds like you got nothing to loose, helped me out. PEARL LOL
thanks, but still freezes, don't know what is wrong

You might want to check your memory module.
It might be damaged. If you have more then one dimm installed try removing one of them and test the system again. If you only have one installed try to lend another one from someone or test the module at a computer shop.
Try bios settings. Make sure primary video is AGP (i'm sure you already knew that)

Also, try checking for a performance setting swithc, set it to "normal" instead of "optimal" ... might help

Good luck
thanks guys, I guess it is not a memory issue as it runs fine after I simply disable the video card;(and the system always freezes when I run the most basic functions, with its 64mb onboard memory the video card probably won't borrow memory from the memory module for these functions.)

ChrisEubank's comment sounds very attractive, I have not tried the performance settings yet, and flashing the BIOS made the system works better, but still freezes. The wierd thing is, the first fresh installation after BIOS update was successful, but when I uninstalled the Catalyst 3.0 and then reinstalled the same driver, the system died there. Although it looks like I should not mess with it anymore once it is ok, but a healthy system should not be so sensitive to software installation. Now I sent it back to the dealer, they probably will change the motherboard for me, however, still want to further discuss this issue with you guys. Still not sure if it is a MB issue although it looks like.

Thanks a lot

Same thing is happening to me.
I have a Radeon 64 DDR VIVO and I just purchase an MSI 645E MAX-U card with the SiS 645DX chipset and after I installed everithing the monitor whent Black.

I had the drivers that microsoft installed and I could see on 640x480 4 bit "you had a problem with a driver prease save your work and reboot"

Since it was a clean install I took the CD from the motherboar and thought that installing the driver IDE and AGP would be fix. No it didnt.

I installed then the drivers from ATI.. Didnt Work.

I installed an update of the AGP driver from MSI.. Didnt work.

Still have to see if installing an updated IDE driver will help.

THe problem it is that you dont know when it is going to hit. Sometimes it happens when I browse the Hard drive but what fails is the Video.

I got this motherboard because it had USB 2 and it supported the 478 socket and it is only giving me problem.

My Ram is one 512 Meg of DDRam at 266 Mhz
you will have to do a lot of searching at google and here at tek-tip. took me a week to get my card to work. i do not think i will ever update or upgrade the drivers. actually i had to downgrade to an older ati driver.
Ditto on ATI's poopy drivers. The latest version of their SW makes my cpu reboot if I try to watch TV. (ati all in wonder 7500)
I keep a sthash of a working build in case I do something stupid... like upgrade the ATI software.
I would agree w/ killowatt. Go back to catalyst 2.4 and see if that helps. It's working for me.
i just do not understand ATI and their lack of support and screwey drivers.
Its not the card after this problem I use the card in a PC CHIP M925LR and had no problem, then put the card in the MSI 645E MAX-U and BANG!!

The problem is that it is ramdom the device failure.

Could it be the new cards and the AGP Chipset? or maybe changin something in the bios may do the trick to overcom this problem.
I belive that the problem is on the motherboard bios.

If you look at the bottom of this link

you will see a link to :

They have a few workarounds. Some motherboard makers including chipsetmakers have made new bios and drivers for this.

On the ATI they say to disable the Fastwrite other to change the UCWC to UC, so far I can understand the fastwrite solution and I will try it as soon I get my Computer from the repair shop they obviously wont be able to repair it.

This problems occurs as you can se on the links I put on Gigabite asus via and I looks as it has to be because of 8X that havent been polished yet.
Ever sinvce I bought my ATI All in Wonder 9700 Pro, I have been having the same problem. No matter what I am doing on the computer, the display driver will fail and the computer reverts to Safe Mode and windows says it has recovered from an error, save your work, etc. I tried going to AGP 4x with no luck. My system is brand new and have an ANTEC 420 watt PSU. 1 week ago I turned off Fastwrite on the SMARTGAURT page in the display properties and have not had a problem since. I have tried to make it fail by having multiple apps open, videos running, on the internet, etc. It is staying up this time. I was about to send it back to ATI. I still have AGP 8X selected.

I am running:

Intel 3 GHz
Asus P4G8X Deluxe Mobo
! GB DDR 2700 RAM
Plextor 482448 CDRW
Plextor 504 DVD+RW
Latest ATI Catalyst 3.4 Drivers
I have the same problem! I run a Gigabyte GA-8ST800 with SiS 645DX and WinXP home ed sp1, and the same thing happens on the Nvidia Ti4200 128mb and a MX440-SE 64mb. I've installed new drivers for the video card and the AGP driver and nothing works.

The only real way to stop this is to downgrade the driver to the VGA controller that came with windows, which renders my Ti4200 useless!

Does anyone have a solution for me that works? Since I can't find a 'fastwrite' switch (and I don't want to improvise on the qualty anyway), unticking 'enable combined writing' in display settings doesn't work, and Nvidia and Gigabyte seemed to have ignored it completely. Or should I just go back to the computer shop and ask for a motherboard without the SiS 645DX chipset (looking at everything here, it seems to be the problem)?

Thanks for any help you have
Oh my god,
Just MINUTES after posting the previous, I found a solution! Let me explain:
I was off to write to Gigabyte about the problem, they had asked for the BIOS version which I didn't know so I reset my computer to find out. I found it (GA-8ST800 F2/Award modular v6.00PG) I decided to go into the BIOS setup, and I saw an option "Load Fail-Safe Defaults". I thought it couldn't hurt so I chose it...et voilà!! It hasn't done anything strange. Everything else works fine, too. Keep in mind I hadn't customised the BIOS at all (the computer store or Gigabyte probably set something). I don't really need any BIOS functions (at least I don't think so) so I don't know what setting is the problem. So here's what I recommend anyone having troubles do:

1. (Re)start your computer and enter your BIOS setup
2. If any of you advanced users have any settings you want to keep, note them down.
3. Choose 'Load Fail-Safe Defaults' and then exit, REMEMBER TO SAVE
4. It should work. Then [advanced users] can restart your computer again and add the functions one at a time (so if one of these settings is the problem, you now know what it is and could tell us all)

Couldn't believe it was that simple :) Let's just hope this lasts - I've only been using it for a while. I'll notify you here if there is a problem.

Here is what my hardware is:

AMD XP 2600+ with 333FSB
ABIT NF7 motherboard
GeForce 4 MX 440 AGP 8x by MAD DOG
512 DDR PC2100 RAM
120 GB Hard Drive with 8 MB Buffer 7200 RPM
Lite-On 52x24x52 CD-RW
16x DVD-Rom
Operating System: Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1

The problem I am having is that everytime I begin to play a game such as Vice City, Spy Hunter, and etc. the game runs fine for 5-10 minutes but then I get an error. And then the computer Restarts, and the screen comes up after it has finished restarting saying that Windows has just recovered from a major error.

Some of the error codes I get are:

BCCode : a BCP1 : F92390BC BCP2 : 00000001 BCP3 : 00000000
BCP4 : 804FD8D1 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 1_0 Product : 256_1

BCCode : 1a BCP1 : 00041284 BCP2 : C8FC0000 BCP3 : 00000BAE
BCP4 : C0C00000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 1_0 Product : 256_1

And on and on, I have set my AGP Data Transfer Rate is at AUTO, and the Video Aperature Size is 64MB. I have no clue what the problem is, I have updated 5/23/2003 Video Card drivers from Nvidia, and the system runs fine, but only when I am playing games I get errors like that.

Anyone know what's wrong? If you do please help me, I just bought the system its Brand NEW so it should not have any defects.

I am having the same problems which you guys are having. No clue what's causing it. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
I had a problem locking my system and one of the monitors drivers uninstalling. I found out it was the damn monitor driver that was causing the issue. Hope it helps
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