Hello, I am having a problem with a chart. I have a form with two cbo boxes - one for MachineID and the other for QstnID. I make selections for these and click a command button to open a report(which has a query as a recordsource). I have text boxes on the report to view records based on the selections. When I try to insert a chart I get an error message. It is strange that I am getting it because I created other reports the same way and they work fine. The problem comes in when I am using the chart wizard. The only values I am putting in the chart are Year and Response. Year is actually taken from Survey Date. When I put Response into the Series section of the chart in the chart wizard and click preview I get this error: The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize 'Forms!fmnuReprotSelect1!cboQstn' as a valid field name or expression.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?