Technical User
OK. Here is the deal. I have 2 computers that are used for ftp service. Both computers have 3 NIC's in them. All the NIC's are different make in each computer. 2 of the NIC's connect to external dsl IP Addresses that are direct to the Internet. The other is connected to the internal LAN.
There are 2 FTP "domains" and each one is attached to only one of the external IP's. Both work fine. The FTP software in use is Serv-U v4.
The weird problem: after somewhere between 5 and 25 mins one of the NIC's just seems to "turn off" It does not respond to connection attempts from the Internet. If I "bump" the connection by either hitting the "repair" option or disable and re-enable the card it will start working again just fine...for the same time period.
This is driving me up the wall. Most of the time the connection that "quits" is the inactive one. (not as much traffic). I have found and disabled the "let the computer turn this connection off to save power" option in the properties for the card and still same thing. I also found an option for registry tweak from another thread in this forum for the "lanmanserver autodisconnect" time period. That has been st to disable disconnect.
Both of these computers had Windows 2000 Server installed on them using pretty much the same config and this problem did not exist. I recently "downgraded" them to WinXP Pro and this is when this problem started. The hardware is exactly the same.
Any ideas?? My hair supply is getting pretty sparse these days.....
There are 2 FTP "domains" and each one is attached to only one of the external IP's. Both work fine. The FTP software in use is Serv-U v4.
The weird problem: after somewhere between 5 and 25 mins one of the NIC's just seems to "turn off" It does not respond to connection attempts from the Internet. If I "bump" the connection by either hitting the "repair" option or disable and re-enable the card it will start working again just fine...for the same time period.
This is driving me up the wall. Most of the time the connection that "quits" is the inactive one. (not as much traffic). I have found and disabled the "let the computer turn this connection off to save power" option in the properties for the card and still same thing. I also found an option for registry tweak from another thread in this forum for the "lanmanserver autodisconnect" time period. That has been st to disable disconnect.
Both of these computers had Windows 2000 Server installed on them using pretty much the same config and this problem did not exist. I recently "downgraded" them to WinXP Pro and this is when this problem started. The hardware is exactly the same.
Any ideas?? My hair supply is getting pretty sparse these days.....