Man, this is screwed up
I've been tearing my hair out over it for the last few hours. If you go here:
You will see a google map, with markers and a sidebar. Everything works here perfectly in all browsers (appart from some weird error about main.js, in IE7 and 8!). When you click the "Contact Propertie" link, it opens up a contact form using AJAX. Again, no problem so far. That is - until you try it in IE 7 and 8. Works perfectly in IE 9+
The code that shows the "AJAX loading" image, is this:
When you click the "Contact Propertie" button, it must be calling that function - as the image gets shown, using:
I've verified that its indeed using this, by changing it to:
..and sure enough, when I click the Contact button, it comes up with "TEST" and then the "ajax loading" image.
But what I don't get, is why oh why its neglecting to run other parts of the code. If I change that function to just:
..again, the image is shown - but no "alert" comes up. I'm really pulling my hair out on this one
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
Man, this is screwed up
You will see a google map, with markers and a sidebar. Everything works here perfectly in all browsers (appart from some weird error about main.js, in IE7 and 8!). When you click the "Contact Propertie" link, it opens up a contact form using AJAX. Again, no problem so far. That is - until you try it in IE 7 and 8. Works perfectly in IE 9+
The code that shows the "AJAX loading" image, is this:
function getData2(dataSource, divID, ID) {
alert("HERE NEW 1");
go2ByScroll("anch" + ID);
jQuery('#' +divID).html("<img src='/links/static/ajax-loader.gif'>");
var the_url = dataSource + ";divID=" + divID;
url: the_url,
success: function(data){
document.getElementById(divID).innerHTML = data;
When you click the "Contact Propertie" button, it must be calling that function - as the image gets shown, using:
jQuery('#' +divID).html("<img src='/links/static/ajax-loader.gif'>");
I've verified that its indeed using this, by changing it to:
jQuery('#' +divID).html("TEST <img src='/links/static/ajax-loader.gif'>");
..and sure enough, when I click the Contact button, it comes up with "TEST" and then the "ajax loading" image.
But what I don't get, is why oh why its neglecting to run other parts of the code. If I change that function to just:
function getData2(dataSource, divID, ID) {
alert("HERE NEW 1");
jQuery('#' +divID).html("<img src='/links/static/ajax-loader.gif'>");
..again, the image is shown - but no "alert" comes up. I'm really pulling my hair out on this one