I am trying to do a flashcard project to help learn a langauge and I have all the words in a category in a nice array in the format :
key -> combination_id , value -> 1
key -> eng_word, value -> cat
key -> for-word, value -> neko
key -> skill_level, value -> 3
I have a lot of these in the array and want to randomly pick one from it BUT I want to be able to pick those with the lower skill level (1) more often than those with a skill level of (2) and level (3) even less.
Can anyone help ?
key -> combination_id , value -> 1
key -> eng_word, value -> cat
key -> for-word, value -> neko
key -> skill_level, value -> 3
I have a lot of these in the array and want to randomly pick one from it BUT I want to be able to pick those with the lower skill level (1) more often than those with a skill level of (2) and level (3) even less.
Can anyone help ?