I'm having a problem calculating a weighted average. I have two tables: Quest and BOD. Now I would like to calculate the weighted average of a variable called q1 (quest) with a weights variable called weights (quest) based on a group variable from BOD called NAT.
I'm using the following formula:
100 * WeightedAverage ({Quest.q1},{Quest.WEIGHTS},{BOD.Nat})
For some reason it is taking a very long time to even access the database (sometimes it crashes), however if it is successful accessing the database it reads millions of records, where Quest.q1 has only 100 000 entries. Could this be a problem with the relationship between the tables? I get the following error while closing the database expert:
"Your current link configuration contains multiple starting points. Please be advised that this is generally not supported"
I'm using CR10 on MS Access.
Any help greatly appreciated!
I'm having a problem calculating a weighted average. I have two tables: Quest and BOD. Now I would like to calculate the weighted average of a variable called q1 (quest) with a weights variable called weights (quest) based on a group variable from BOD called NAT.
I'm using the following formula:
100 * WeightedAverage ({Quest.q1},{Quest.WEIGHTS},{BOD.Nat})
For some reason it is taking a very long time to even access the database (sometimes it crashes), however if it is successful accessing the database it reads millions of records, where Quest.q1 has only 100 000 entries. Could this be a problem with the relationship between the tables? I get the following error while closing the database expert:
"Your current link configuration contains multiple starting points. Please be advised that this is generally not supported"
I'm using CR10 on MS Access.
Any help greatly appreciated!