To start, I'm pretty new in javascript, I'm more a php guy.
The project:
Building a CMS which works with UBB and live preview (via AJAX)
This all works for the standard things. The next step is an image (and file) manager. Currently we use htmlarea with Wei Zhuo's Image Manager. And I would like to reuse this script to work with my script.
The problem is I don't know how to call it.
Currently the script is called in this way:
But I guess thisis partly HTMLAREA only code...
Anyone experience with this job who can help me? Or anyone an idea how to work with this kind of javascript problems?
The project:
Building a CMS which works with UBB and live preview (via AJAX)
This all works for the standard things. The next step is an image (and file) manager. Currently we use htmlarea with Wei Zhuo's Image Manager. And I would like to reuse this script to work with my script.
The problem is I don't know how to call it.
Currently the script is called in this way:
// Called when the user clicks on "InsertImage" button. If an image is already
// there, it will just modify it's properties.
HTMLArea.prototype._insertImage = function(image) {
var editor = this; // for nested functions
var outparam = null;
if (typeof image == "undefined") {
image = this.getParentElement();
if (image && !/^img$/i.test(image.tagName))
image = null;
if (image) outparam = {
f_url : HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor.stripBaseURL(image.src) : image.getAttribute("src"),
f_alt : image.alt,
f_border : image.border,
f_align : image.align,
f_vert : image.vspace,
f_horiz : image.hspace
this._popupDialog("insert_image.php", function(param) {
if (!param) { // user must have pressed Cancel
return false;
var img = image;
if (!img) {
var sel = editor._getSelection();
var range = editor._createRange(sel);
editor._doc.execCommand("insertimage", false, param.f_url);
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
img = range.parentElement();
// wonder if this works...
if (img.tagName.toLowerCase() != "img") {
img = img.previousSibling;
} else {
img = range.startContainer.previousSibling;
} else {
img.src = param.f_url;
for (field in param) {
var value = param[field];
switch (field) {
case "f_alt" : img.alt = value; break;
case "f_border" : img.border = parseInt(value || "0"); break;
case "f_align" : img.align = value; break;
case "f_vert" : img.vspace = parseInt(value || "0"); break;
case "f_horiz" : img.hspace = parseInt(value || "0"); break;
}, outparam);
Anyone experience with this job who can help me? Or anyone an idea how to work with this kind of javascript problems?