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Website Development Where to Begin...

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Aug 3, 2001
I am looking to dive into building websites. Mostly for fun but it can't hurt professionally. My main knowledge is with MS Access and VB. I am not partial to any language though. I want to go with what is current.

I am really looking to build fairly simple web pages, I will want to talk with a database, likely Access so it will be more than a simple static page.

There are so many terms and things out there that my head gets lost in it all.

There's VBScript, Javascript, Java, ASP, JSP, XML, XSL, Perl, PHP on and on.

I am just looking some insight and I will take that in and decide what forums to join, what books to read, what websites to go to.

Cost is somewhat of a factor as well. If possible developing using freeware type programs would be a plus. Also the more universal the better so I don't have to worry with end users using different browsers or the service providers not be supporting what I use.

Remember the Past, Plan for the Future, yet Live in the Present for tomorrow may never come.

To develop webpages you do not need to buy anything! Except server space of course!
You can get lots of programs for free.

is a FREE editor for hand-coding any language you can imagine, from ASP to XML, VBscript and lots of other ML's :)
Gimp (url?) is a free graphics program!

It all depends on what type of sites you want to build!

Server side: ASP, PHP, PERL etc etc etc

I would definitly start learning XHTML and CSS!
As for server side, SSI is really easy but you may prefer to use something like PHP or Perl which I have heard are not so hard to learn.

It's down to personal preference and what you want to do with the language.

Also you can get millions of free client side/server side scripts. Using these and seeing how they work/interact will help you learn to write these yourself.

Any of that make sense?
The key is to start writing code and looking at other source code. Search for tutorials on the web, there's lots of them.

:: ::
I wouldn't use Access myself, as it will only support a very few concurrent users. For free, i'd use MySQL database (still uses standard SQL to query the database) available from
The most commonly used language used with MySQL is PHP (Personal Home Pages) which is available, again for free, on
I use Dreamweaver to make web sites, as it's a visual editor so I can drag and drop and it allows me to create pages in XHTML (the new standard) and make sure that my sites are accessible to disabled users (legal requirement in my job). The book I learned this from is Dreamweaver MX: PHP Web Development from glasshaus (a UK company, I think)
hope this helps


Was that a joke that I missed or do you really think that is what PHP stands for?

PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

Hope this helps Wullie


The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
I was wondering who if anyone was going to mention that. I'd like to here the version of COBOL too.
how's this
Completely Obsolete Business Language A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming is not worth knowing.
do forgive me. It was called Personal Home Pages when it first came out; subsequently was renamed when it became more powerful.

I stand corrected, and abashed.

I think I'm justified in just posting to say "lol"... here goes:


I feel better. Thank you. -gerrygerry

"I'm doin' a one-nighter for bitin' Ed the mail man... the guy was tryin' to cast a spell on me... like a wizard or something."
"Are you sure about that?"
"I dunno... maybe he was just wavin'..."
Eh, no.

I said that PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is what it stands for.

Nothing was said about what it stood for a whole 7, nearly 8 years ago. LOL

Hope this helps Wullie


The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
Nobody corrects me! LOL

It wasn't even PHP code when it was called "Personal Home Page"... it was totally diferent! -gerrygerry

"I'm doin' a one-nighter for bitin' Ed the mail man... the guy was tryin' to cast a spell on me... like a wizard or something."
"Are you sure about that?"
"I dunno... maybe he was just wavin'..."

Did you notice the following part of the article?

initially as a simple set of Perl scripts [wink]

Sorry guys, ongoing joke... Wullie


The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
For those of you that aren't privy to the conversations Wullie and I have about PHP and Perl (on a daily basis), I think it's important you know about this.

I am Wullie's psychotherapist. Wullie is dilusional; he seems to think the Perl is actually better than PHP! Isn't that ridiculous? The poor guy is going nuts over it... his wife left him because he sleeps with a tattered Perl manual, caressing it, telling it no one will ever come between them. He even lost his job at the butcher's shop for trying to covince a cow that Perl is better than PHP.

If anyone sees or hears anything about Wullie's wild Perl shannangans, I suggest you steer clear.. the guy has lost his marbles.

LOL just kidding Wullie ...we all know you never worked at a butchers shop ;-) -gerrygerry

"I'm doin' a one-nighter for bitin' Ed the mail man... the guy was tryin' to cast a spell on me... like a wizard or something."
"Are you sure about that?"
"I dunno... maybe he was just wavin'..."
that's not that bad, everyone left me because I think ASP can run the web and everything else is just trivial A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming is not worth knowing.

I lied everyone.

Perl is much, much, much better than PHP (for the sake of my dignity!) -gerrygerry

"I'm doin' a one-nighter for bitin' Ed the mail man... the guy was tryin' to cast a spell on me... like a wizard or something."
"Are you sure about that?"
"I dunno... maybe he was just wavin'..."

I hope my earlier comment wasn't taken wrong. I didn't mean to insinuate that you didn't know what it meant now or in the past. I guess I should have worded it differently when I posted the link and I apologize. I was amused when I went to investigate and thought someone else might find the link as interesting as I did.I have learned alot already from your posts and look forward to reading your replies as they are quite insightful. I will have to watch my humor...sometimes it is a bit in left field from others find amusing.

Gerrygerry, oh my I would never correct you ::::hands you the wet noodle with a horrified look in my eyes::::
Flog away, I promise not to sob too loudly


My above post was a joke, I very rarely take somthing the wrong way.. [lookaround]

Oh, BTW, Say whatever you want about Gerry, I have total control over him now... [wink]



The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
Thats not funny Wullie... not because it's mean... it's because your right! [cry] -gerrygerry

"I'm doin' a one-nighter for bitin' Ed the mail man... the guy was tryin' to cast a spell on me... like a wizard or something."
"Are you sure about that?"
"I dunno... maybe he was just wavin' [wavey]..."
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