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Web Import isssues

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Nov 10, 2004
Hi All,

We recently switched our company Website design people and in turn they made changes to the Web Form we use to gather info for potential customers. Given that, our web form has always generated our Goldmine script for our web imports and this, up until recently, worked fine. Now and for the past few months for some reason, the CREATEON date is completely screwed up. It is very inconsistent meaning it never gets added to the DB the same way. Some days it is fine and in the correct format and other days it's reversed. And when that happens...it duplicates itself over and over in the Contact1 db regardless of the day. It makes for completely messed up reports. I've included a copy of the script and I should note we use GM 6.0 and a Dbf database.

SaveThis=Web Import File on 2/25/2008
OnNewSendEmail=xxxx, NEW, VoIP IVR Offer from the WEB
OnDupSendEmail=xxxx, REP, Repeated VoIP IVR Offer Web Import
Company =
Contact =
Phone1 =
Email =
Country = United States
City = Covington
Source =
Key1 = Prospect-VBVoice
Key2 = None
Key3 = Lead not Contacted
Key5 = No Support
cs1_RecType = P
cs1_Contact = What are you developing?
cs1_ContSupRef = Custom in-house application
cs2_RecType = P
cs2_Contact = What version do you want to download?
cs2_ContSupRef = Standard evaluation
cs3_RecType = P
cs3_Contact = Would you like to receive product updates and promotions?
cs3_ContSupRef = Yes
cs4_RecType = P
cs4_Contact = Comment
cs4_ContSupRef = Open it to view Comment
cs4_Notes =
I'd suggest that you do not include the createon as part of the web form data. GoldMine will generally populate that for you, although as I recall some versions of GoldMine did have a bug that caused it not to be populated for a web import record. If that's your situation use an automated process track to populate that field.

Chad Smith

Check out the GoldMine Blog at
MCP - Microsoft SQL Server
Crystal Reports Certified Professional
GoldMine Certified Professional
Microsoft CRM Certified Professional

Thank you for that. I believe in the older versions we never had a createon date so perhaps this will do it. BTW, how would I use an automated process to do this for me...if I had to?

Thanks again!

Another clue in this on-going issue. By the way...leaving out the CREATEON date did not work. Anyway, there is now what I believe is a pattern to tis behaviour and perhaps a clue to why it keeps screwing up the dates. The web imports and the filters we run for them seems to work just fine until the 12th of the month. Then from then on...they get mixed up and GM actually thinks that the records are all December. It happened again today. We ran a filter to get all web imports from the 12th of March to today and it turned up nothing but records that appear with the dates formatted to be December records. Too weird. I'm losing hope of ever figuring this thing out. Any other idea? Anyone?



From what you descirbe, you must be passing the date wrong.

So, some where you are passing MM/DD/YYYY and goldmine is reading as DD/MM/YYYY or perhaps you are passing YYDDMM and goldmine is expecting YYMMDD,

Bottom line, when you pass day 1 to 12, it sounds like it validates as month 01 to 12, but when you pass day 13 to 30, it maxed out at 12.

Just a Guess,

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I agree totally with that. Problem is, I tried getting the web people to change the date format in their script and it didn't help. I suspect it is something wrong with the script they use on our website...apart from the script I included above that adds the record info from the email. I'm at a loss now. :(


Ok...so nothing is really working for this. Can someone tell me then how I could create an Automated Process to populate the Create On date files when a Webimport arrives? I'm going to have our Web designer omit the date altogether from the Import script and update it manually.


There's a manual here on APs...

They can be pretty complicated --- you also have to tell GoldMine vis-a-vis your HTML/CGI to execute the particular AP.

Chad Smith

Check out the GoldMine Blog at
MCP - Microsoft SQL Server
Crystal Reports Certified Professional
GoldMine Certified Professional
Microsoft CRM Certified Professional
Alternatively you could base your report on the GoldMine Accountno, the first six digits are based on the day the record was added to GoldMine and is in the following format: YYMMDD. Therefore the accountno for a record added today would begin A80416.

Hope this helps.

Andrea Ingham
Prior Analytics Ltd (UK)
Thanks Andrea! I'll give that a try as well.

Have a great day!

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