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Web based mdb

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Jun 14, 2006
Is there a way to put my mdb onto a webserver and have it's forms available to use as a webpage?
No. You will need to use a web technology such as ASP, .Net, ColdFusion, or other.

If we knew your business needs, we might be able to suggest a solution.

Duane MS Access MVP
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You can create Data Access Pages (DAP's) from within Access. DAP's are webpages. If you keep it simple such as just displaying or simple data entry, then they're not that bad. But if you want more complexity, you'll need to learn VBScript. Also, the web guru has to set it up correctly.
My suggestion:
Given the form presented, you would change it into a DAP by:
Each report is an individual DAP which would then be accessed by a Hyperlink from the form.

For the Search capability, you would right click the search box, click Microsoft Script Editor, then on the left under Script Outline, scroll down to the search box name, double click, scroll down to onchange and double click and add code such as the following:

Dim rs
Set rs = MSODSC.DefaultRecordset

rs.Find "[ParcelID] = '" & document.all.item("ParcID").value & "'", 0, 1, 1

'0 = Skip zero records before starting the search.
'1 = Search in a forward direction.
'1 = Always begin the search with the first record in the recordset.

The Add New button would have the following code: (It first tests for permission to edit) Fields are set to not be editable originally:

Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sqlSelect = _
"SELECT * FROM LogonInfo WHERE EmployID = '" & EmployeeID.value & "'"
rs.Open sqlSelect, MSODSC.Connection
If rs.EOF Then
EmployeeID.value = "(Access Denied)"
holdID = document.all.item("EmployeeID").value
EmployeeID.value = "(You May Edit)"
ParcelID.contentEditable = True
Itemnumber.contentEditable = True
County.contentEditable = True
ReviewedBy.contentEditable = True

ParcelID.ContentEditable = False
Stand_Alone.disabled = False
HNI.disabled = False
Assoc_MMC_Nums.disabled = False

End If
Set rs = Nothing

You can't have subforms in DAP's. So you would have to either use Grouping in your DAP by using a query - be careful to make it editable, or use a server filter through a hyperlink connection to another DAP.

So there is no way I can just use my current mdb as a webpage?
It's not that easy. You must convert your Access application to an DAP or some other web technology. There is a free ASP solution that provides some decent functionality at
Duane MS Access MVP
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Maybe there's a concept you're missing. The "web", which is only a part of the Internet, can be accessed through an environment called Internet Explorer. You have to convert your Access database, an application in itself, to the Internet Explorer application. They are two separate entities.
So i would have to turn all the forms and reports that I created in Access into web based forms and reports?
Have you checked Help on "data access pages" as mentioned by fneily? If a DAP doesn't meet your needs, you will need to build all of your forms and reports using a web development language.

There are remote control type solutions that might work for you but you haven't replied to my first suggestion "If we knew your business needs, we might be able to suggest a solution."

Duane MS Access MVP
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I want a system that will track individual volunteer hours, with the ability to print out reports that pertain to ceratin search criteria; voluneteer type and date ranges. I was able to do that creating an Access mdb, but now my boss would like to see it in a web based format. you should be able to copy my mdb from
ok then as stated above, you will need to take your existing forms/reports and convert them to a web based platform.

This might be accomplished by using DAP, but you will need to do a little research to see if that will work for you. If it won't you will need to determine what web technology will work for you.


Anything worth doing is a lot more difficult than it's worth - Unknown Induhvidual

Essential reading for anyone working with databases:
The Fundamentals of Relational Database Design
Understanding SQL Joi
Please don't assume that we will download and open an MDB from someone we don't know. I prefer to first have you take the time to provide your specifications in replies. If that doesn't work, I might download a file.

Have you taken the time to research any of the possibilities that we have all taken the time to suggest?

Duane MS Access MVP
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[green]Find out how to get great answers faq219-2884.[/green]
Or, and granted I should have mentioned this before, you can set up a Citrix server which would allow your clients to login remotely and access your Access database directly. This way you would not have to convert anything. See for more info.
I've looked at the different avenues to have an online database system, but I have little expertise in database languages. I was lucky enough to get my current mdb working correctly. I was just looking to see if I could use my current Access mdb as a webpages, hopefully just by some how inserting it into a page, but it seems like it is just not possible. I will continue to research the possibilites suggested. Thanks for your time.
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