So about a month and a half ago, I got a Firebox X. I configured it and it worked fine for about three weeks. Then it decided to block e-mails to some domains.
At first, I thought there is no way it is the firewall, but I can't telnet to the receivers e-mail server from inside the network, but I can from my router on the other side of the firewall.
I put our old Firebox II back in place (after I reconfigured it completely) and it worked fine for about three weeks.
Now there are e-mails held up in the Exchange outbound Queue with "Destination host unreachable"
Does anyone have any idea what is causing this?
So about a month and a half ago, I got a Firebox X. I configured it and it worked fine for about three weeks. Then it decided to block e-mails to some domains.
At first, I thought there is no way it is the firewall, but I can't telnet to the receivers e-mail server from inside the network, but I can from my router on the other side of the firewall.
I put our old Firebox II back in place (after I reconfigured it completely) and it worked fine for about three weeks.
Now there are e-mails held up in the Exchange outbound Queue with "Destination host unreachable"
Does anyone have any idea what is causing this?